Next Week's " Spectator " The first of a series
of six articles by Major Francis Yeats-Brown, whose Golden Horn has been one of the outstanding successes of this year's publishing season, will appear in next week's Spectator. Major Yeats-Brown has recently returned from a journey in Russia under- taken on the Spectator's behalf, and the articles he has written form a striking picture of the Soviet Union as he saw it. His conclusions, like his impressions, arc, of course, his own. There will also appear next week an article by the Earl of Birkenhead, initiating a dis- cussion on " Modern Youth," in which John Buchan, M.P., H. W. Nevinson and the Hon. Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton will take part. In the same issue Lord David Cecil will write on " Obscenity in Literature," and other exi- tributors will include John Galsworthy, Rose Macaulay and Evelyn Waugh.