24 SEPTEMBER 1965, Page 14

SIR,—Reading the suggestion ('Male-Contrived,' Sep- tember 10) that women should

take over a large measure of control prompted me to look up an appropriate bit of verse from The Young British Soldier': When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains And the women come out to cut up what remains, Jest roll on your rifle and blow out your brains. . . .

We men are frequently nasty-minded and vicious. We are usually unable to add to these traits the degree of refined ruthlessness developed by some women. And these would be the ones whose eager paws would be reaching for nuclear buttons, auto- matic rifles, teapots, anything handy.

Unless—and here's what really frightens me (I admit it's not an original thought)—the women are already in charge and Lilian Knapp's letter is part bf the campaign to keep us misinformed? After all, even a superficial study of political science sug- gests it's safer to run any organisation from behind the scenes. The whole matter should bp investigated—by a Royal Commission, the UN, or a satirical magazine or something.

14 Westtvick Grove, Sheffield 8