The Chamber of Deputies in Frain(' has been occupied with
a discussion on the bill. " reported" by the Committee ofthc Cham- ber, to reduce the interest on the Five per Cent. Stock. Two of the King's Aides-de-Camp spoke against the measure ; to which Loris PnimpeE always been opposed. and for two reasons—ia the first place, he is himself a Inree propr:ceer of the stock ; and
secondly, it is held to a Cot IN Parts shopkeepers, with whom he is desirous of standing well. But then, the mani- fest injustice of taxing the community at large with the payment of a higher rate of interest titan time value of money warrants, influences the majority of the Deputies. Tnirns, though not chargeable with t!ie resr.onsibility of t::e measure. gave it his de- cided support ; and the two firs! and pincipal clauses in the bill were carried by very large majorities. Th.? King's personal influ- ence in the Chamber Peers way pefll:Ts cause its rejection by that Assembly.