At the -'treet n 1 .1 Jolm Byrne, a Midship- man
en board .1.. in•li r. -- to of respectable eonnexi- ,:
:,:-.1.eetalde, and he ' Woolwich, is in custody on a of his sons. mere lads, were ••- mar:ler : but there was no barged. The evileoce as 17!:•••inaster Broderip, of Barracks. has sof- TA% in; taken her ; a!i•o...? powder :o make a exploded. is; o:11,1. places. SIam.1.■1',I was I , ! !: giis,r,it • 'ought to the prisoner.
all ..- tool 511,;1
that h
frienl,tot to•is'A .
front his o‘s w
mother : und Magi,tr proaelll!-,g ti• 4, , trate, to di-p
was exeeedingl■, .cased.
try : but Mr. r,i• to ,a;.1
stance of the 1,5.... frie.5.& committed bin.,
Patric!: frith 1.11.
chmtCr ■■1' . ife. as yet addeeed 1..111,17: A girl. twelve v: • the F011rte,.•11,.11 it fered a fe.trftil pen. father's powdvr-11,..,. into the fire
blaze, whiell :•1;.'•• shattered her hand •
l•-•.vellyn, a performer at the .,1 appear; and its it • ellar4e, the 31a- : and on Tues- ,ry
I, 1 • 7,:lled at The oser's ,.ney
ap- `lagis- ..., who • lie souls- . "Ic eiream-