25 APRIL 1840, Page 5

A considerable number of Lewes Conservatives dined with Lord Can-

telupe on Wednesday, on his Lordship's special invitation. The speeches were not remarkable.

The StuffunIstriee Adcatiscr announces that the " independent men of Tamworth will muster in great strength" at a " Townshend festival," to show their "abhorrence of the slights offered lately to her Majesty and her husband by the filetiou of which Captain A'Court is a member."

Mr. O'Connell has written a letter to Messrs. Warren and Night- ingale, who presided at the Operative Anti-Corn-law dinner in Man- chester, recommending them to use their influence with the Manches- ter working classes to agitate peaceably- for Suffrage-extension, the Ballot, and Triennial Parliaments, and to consider the Corn question at present as of minor importance.