On the 14th instant, two of the foot soldiers stationed
in Nottingham quarrelled in the park about some girl, and were going to settle their dispute by a battle, when one of them thinking to make himself appear more valiant than by fighting with his comrade, offered to fight the best man amongst the bystanders. The challenge was accepted by a young man from Radford, and the parties prepared for the onset; when the soldier seized a stick (belonging to himself), which lay upon the ground, unscrewed the end of it, and presented a dagger about six inches in length, swearing that he would inn every person present through. The stick was however se:zed, broken to pieces, and handed to an officer, who happened to cone: up at the moment. We are in- formed that on the following I'VV:iing several own belonging to the same regiment commenced an indiscriminate ek with their sticks upon all in their way in the market-place ; and had they carried their side-arms, the consequence :s might have been serious. Sir C. Napier, Brigade-Major of the district, with that promptitude for which he is distiuguished in the discharge of his important duties, upon informa- tion of the outrage it the park, immediately instituted an inquiry, and will 1.abtiess take such steps a s 1111■:,- scum to him necessary to pre- vent the recurrence of a biLitCil of the peace.--\ ellinglinnt
A woman named Celia Tippi:e. convicted at Gloucester of murder-
ing iufaut, was condemw....1 Jeath ; but the sentence has been •• tr■ tItt.sit i:filviion oF the M. oomowt.:4 tran,Thmuon ...„...
habit. .• .