The Birmingham Canal Company are preparing to expend upwards of
300,000/. in the improvement of their different lines of communica- tion, including the new line up the 'fame Valley. The Birmingham and Derby Railway are obtaining an act for ten miles of railway direct from Birmingham, to be made at the expense of 200,000/. An act for the formation of another canal from Sunni Bridge to Camp Hill, to form trjunction between the Fazely and Warwick Canal, has passed a Committee of the House of Commons, and will cost upwards of 60,0001. To the half a million thus to be expended, a very large portion of it in labour, is to be added a sum required for finishing the Gloucester Rail- way ; and long before these several works are completed, there is every reason to think that others of a similar nature will have begun.—Bir- miter/ham Journal.
Colonel Pasley is preparing for renewed operations on the Royal George. Three large cylinders are making at (Math:1m for the pur- pose. One is to be shortly taken down the river, to be sunk three or four days, and then to be blown up as an experiment.