Extraordiaary exertions are made by both parties in Ireland to
se- cure maj trities on the lists of registered voters. Tint Cork Southern Reporter publishes the following circular letter, which exposes some of
the Tory tactics-
4r-te,:s_t t:. ,....r 4. ...ea... • to o,,,,e y011t "It" "IC person a nose Mime Is mentioned tin the other side lion served notice to reregister his vote at the en- suing Cork Sessions, which will commence on the first of April. As our bring able In return. Conservative ilinnbers fry this (aunty entirrly dtpends on tier preventing the reregistry of our tenants, the Committee trust that you will exert ie.:If to etfeet that desirable object ; and that 3'011 will halo flie good- ness to inform nice as stela as possible, whether his certificate leis been Mr- warded to oar opponents, or any authority given to proilne it at the Sc,'- iiens,as in such eases it trill lie necessary for us to have a notice served on hint requiring his presence at these Sessions, where if lie does not appear, the rereeisiry emilot take place.
1 remaio, Sir, your obedient servant, " ROUT. NETTLES, Hon, DiStriet See."
To show the need of Lard Stanley's hill to prevent fraud in the re-
gistration Irish voters, the Dublin Mail states the following clahn in the county of Limerick-
" Willi nn Scott, of Boskill, claimed to be re-re!ristered as a 501. freeholder under a ce \Macaw of 1832. when registries were' effected iii this county withont
spposiii In tile cross-examination by Mr. Mott usell, it appeared that at the time of his ha; air; obtained the certificate as a 5')/. freeholder, lie had previously parted with his imerest in the property to Mr. Richard White, for n large con- sideration; mid claimant reserved to himself tour acres, subject to the head. rest of 2/. im acre, and of these four he let three to the parish-priest. As a Wt. freeholder out of the Ii nose and one acre of ground he now sought to re- gister: The applicant was rejected. Is it passible that auy case could :afford a tit' ager illustration attic necessity for annual revision under Lord Stauley's
In Galway, Carlow, and Sligo Counties, the Conservatives claim it majority on the registries.
Cob G we. Ili Sheriff of Mayo, has reface' 1 to call a county meeting to petition against the Smithey Registratioe Bill.