25 APRIL 1840, Page 7


The Glasgow Constitutional of Wednesday contradicts a report, which had appeared in the Liberal paper, that Lord Aberdeen had relin- quished his Church-bill. The Glasgow paper seys- " Although we have no authority for making any communication on the subject, yet we may venture to assure our readers. Ti:;177 sir. report thus indus-

triously circulated and greedily swallowed, by 1 c.pc:ially. is totally unfunded; and that, on the contrary, Lord .U.erd.ail is mat wing a plan which he anticipates bring able to have read ,e second time in the House of Peers before the sitting of the General Assemhly. No one who is eceuainted with Lord Aberdeen's acute and comprehensive intelleet and force of character, eau doubt his ability fur the task ; and the same qualities afford grounds for

expecting that the hope he himself confidently enterediF le ee alio to re- concile the Church and the Lay Courts, and to carry With him the frirntls and supporters of both, will 1)::. realized, We are not overs'emiMg tile caution necessary on such matters. when we venture to assure our readers, that Lord Aberdeen has received on this difficult and delicate saliji:ct a .'vent, blanche from the Dake and Sir Robert Peel, and that the preseat Ministry will not oppose his measure."

Admiral Fleming is again cruising in the lie itude of De feirtanshire. We had thought the gift of Greenwich Hospied eels :r pest services; but it would rather seem, a future battle, in peace. woe the condition of the appointment. Let the electors of this fine county Joel: sharp: a broadside is preparing for them, although it may only be from a paste- board frigate after all.— GIa.snon• Censtitation.