(tit the 2311 inst., in Belgrave Square, the Counte.s or LIsTowill., of a daughter. On the 11th inst., at the Ray, Maidonliwail, Lady,ar, of a postliumou daughter.
the 22c1 inst., in Grosvenor Squaw. the Ilou. Mrs. C.'11.11fLES SrAsi.xv, of a danght cr.
On the 22,1 imt., at Shabtlen Park, Sl.rry, the Lady of Sir '1'. 11. rerinfla, Bart„ a Ow:Atter.
On the It'Alt init., at lialgarv:e, the lion. Mrs. FREDEltilill \VEDDER:Ur/1N, of a awl.
Oil the 19 it lust., at King's Terrace, Sontlisra, Trains, the Lady of Lierdetiant N. F. El:W.111:u. U.N., of a son.
Oa -1., al Brimpton I.oda,,, Berks. the Lady of ions: It Ind.ow STOW, Esq., or a rimi.
lino the 2341 inst., at 0rosvenor Place, the Lady of ions Ds:a:so:roux, Esq., M.P., of a daughter.
0;1 the Oct inst., at Litton, the Lady of .1,1rniral SAirronws of a son.
On the 10111 inst.. in 0re,..1i Street, Grr,vettor Square, the Lady .1' the Rev. Putoe S-.11eLyit: tot, of a son.
On the 4th 1.1.rtutee, at the residence of th, 11on. E. E, a, her Britannic, Majesty's Miaist .r Vettiputfttiary to the Court of Tu.a.any. Barn 1'1,11. W. itiloG- GEL'Il. of th • II FRE• c 51 ..rrt. is id, third daughter it Lieut.-Cul. the Hon. Gerald de Courey, aild gratiddiiii.iliter to the late Right lIon..1,111 Lord Kinsale. Oil lite 2211 ilea., at All Soul's, Laugh:nu Ir.ace, Eiemean Lmscs.t. WELL,, Esq., Lae.. ■ a' the Middle Temph•, wroth! slat of Dyntoke 5Vells, Esq.. ol' Grebby LincAti, ,t, M thy ..1NNE, eldest tioighter of .1ohn Gultins, Esq., late of Staple- ton ('as Ira I lerefordshire.
On the 21 t inst., at St. 0 IIIIiirter Striate, the Rev. W. ItInusir, to the Lady 1.ortsA CAttoG‘a. (lit the 2211 inst., at St. l'aliuras, ARTHra IIVRROWS, of Lincoln's Inn, Barri,ter,
youngest son of Pr. Burrows, l'y por (Lover S' rest, to FliANCES DIANA, youngest skimmer of the laic i'Vf.v..1. Broaley, of the Bombay :Wily.
011 the:011i SI. Nluliolos Chart, r'opir•iiia TAN errnol. according to the Rites of the Roman CatIto'.1,. itml ;liter, aids at St. I ;,,,re's Church. EDWARD K . Esq.. la )'.cat ANNE Elizmila.TI!. third daughter id' Charles IlassWell
li.N., tire a George Square, 1,i,orp,.:U.
uu 111..• ilaat.. at Sirallitiv1ilsayo ('!ouch. .V.nna EDWARDS. Esq., only son ef John Edwards. Esq.. of 1)olsorey, Nturiunullishire.tu tiEria.nAti.i.eldeSt daughter of 0. I:sq., ,•1' the Privy, near kneading.
Oa the '..011. at Walcot Church. Bath, Msdor.I;eneral Sir W. Davy, CAI. and K.0 .II.. of Tracey track, tgeueesterslitvc, to Soculta, ele,.st daughter of Richard F..ant-
tal. lie ar Me1tion, I hi the 21st inst., the Rev, Jon,. Win t E, A. NI .. to ANNA 01:'T=, daughter
id' Ca: 1at.., \v, Chaplain Or St. SaVklies.:-4.1111,wark. tb.• nth of February List, at Ete.v.uto E•11., of the Madras service, to Arr;Irs...■ filth ilaughtur or Sir .1ast et Nivolls, K. U. B., Com- mander of the f'orc'es.
U.t the 21st 111.1 . :.t st. Mary's t'Inirelt. Dry IrStall Square. SKIFFINGTON tirttavrua Esq.. Liviltellaid 9,211110ft, to .1:'1.14.NA, eldeat daughter uf the late Lieutemavt- Getter:l1 Henry Ita..e:.:11, Knight, of Pori Tliall Street.
On the 23,1 lint., in Charles Street. lierke:cy NIa:ord;enetitl Sir ArrXe:otr 0.C.B., Delany AEumi,t-tItmeral Cocai in his 03.1 year. Oa the 22,1 inst., at Dattmonth Bowe, It:lel:bell it. Lady 'knave.% N C. 1TE.
0.1 1'10 23tt inst., at Whitehall, .Base 1,13— uhli.,t 'blighter or the ittitht Bon. ;.•otio,:to:,, inn th,. :21s: tit XAS1,1.' Barrister za•Law, in his ;rah 2e cr. On Co. ialt inst.. at San I alcar 11.11711a,11. near Caine. after a Ion.; illness, the the youln2,d s Hut tlu. :at, Sir Nulsoll It urea, Bart.
On the 17th inst., at Late:don:a. I lohse, Hyde, Isle of Wight, the nom Mrs. Eerstr.