Although the transactions in the Home Stocks have not been
numerous, there has been a firm feeling in the market, owing principally to the Budget having been considered favourable. Consols have, therefore, advanced to 93f, I, both for money and the account. Reduced and New Three per Cents. are 9n to ; Exchequer Bills, 15s. to 20s. premium. The attention of the investing public has been steadily directed to Indian guaranteed Stocks and Colonial Securities, and the quotations have had an upward tendency. The Railway Market has shown considerable firmness, but Great Eastern stock was flat on the report recom- mending new issues of perpetual debenture stock. Much satisfac- tion has, however, been expressed that the Marquis of Salisbury has determined to continue in his position of Chairman to the Board of Directors. There has been a fair demand for money, at to 2 per cent. for the best short bills. The stock of bullion in. the Bank of England is now 20,527,100/. ; in the Bank of France, 45,472,5001.