The Italians are not prospering on the Red Sea, and
we are. It appears to be certain that the negotiations with the Emperor Menelek, which seemed to be advancing favour. ably, have been broken off, the Italians making it a sine qua non that the Emperor should bind himself not to accept the Protection of any other European Power, a stipulation which
the Negus refused as fettering his freedom of action. The dis- appointment in Italy is great, not only because a heavy garrison must still be kept in Erythrea, but because the rupture ren- ders the fate of the thousands of Italian prisoners uncertain. They would have been released, but they will now remain in a captivity which is believed to be deplorable. On our side all is going well at Akasheb, where the whole force intended is now collected, and is amply supplied with transport and pro- visions, while the Dervishes who had threatened the friendly tribes near Tokar have been repulsed by a joint expedi- tion from Tokar and Suakin. The reports of fighting in the Kbalifa's bodyguard probably signify only quarrels such as are common in Eastern armies, but there are doubtless thousands of Arabs who would, for a time at all events, welcome release from the Khalifa's tyrannical rule. The help of such tribes has, however, never signified in war, though they make useful subjects in peace.