Sweet girl graduates
Sir: Mr F. A. Bown (Letters, 4 and 18 April) shows in his attitude to student conduct a dis- turbingly bigoted conviction in his own moral rectitude, and in the consequent 'immorality' of any standards which differ from his own.
The young of today are not immoral : their attitudes to life in general and sexual matters in particular do indeed differ considerably from the 'conventional morality'; but their codes of conduct should not ipso facto be branded 'im- moral.' Their standards are in general held with sufficient conviction, and arrived at with suffi- cient consideration, to merit recognition as a 'new morality.'
Mr Bown should realise .that his is not the only validcode of conduct. He may indeed find it a suitable code by which to conduct his own life, and so may the majority of the population: but they should be tolerant enough-to -concede that others have found that code wanting and formulated their own, equally positive, morality.
Mr Bown's protestations against mixed stair- cases at 'Oxbridge' are nothing more than a des- perate attempt to shield himself from the reali- sation that his are not the only valid standards, and that different moral codes are capable of providing an equally suitable framework in which others may live thejr lives.