The Money Market this week is more sensitive than for some time past. The fear of a bad harvest and the unsettled stateof Italy create a want of confidence, and the Bank is now doing a large business ; the Lombard Street houses requiring higher terms. The arrivals of Bullion this week amount to 230,000/. The demand for the Continent is less active, and about 150,000/. has consequently been pur- chased by the Bank. Large arrivals from Australia and America may still be expected within thienext few weeks. Consols have been heavy all the week, and a fall of J. per cent has been established.
The announcement made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer that he deemed- it prudent, looking at the state of the weather and the possibility of a bad harvest, to demand another million, had a depressing effect. Foreign Stooks have been neglected, the transactions being of a very limited character. Russian Stock has declined, and Turkish are also lower. Spanish Certificates have been dealt in at improved quotations—Mexican without alteration.
Railway Shares have fluctuated with the weather. The principal move- ment has been in American Stocks—Illinois and New York and Eries—the former improved about 7 per cent, and the latter 5. Canadian Railways are also better.
In Banks little business has been doing, prices generally being weaker.
Today was dull and wet, preceded by a night of continuous rain, accom- panied by an active demand for money, and an advance in the price of corn has produced an adverse effect upon all classes of securities. All de- scriptions are lower, and the general tendency has been unsatisfactory to the holders of Stock. The accounts from the provinces are looked for with more anxiety than over, as it is believed they will establish the fact that all the hopes of the harvest proving anything like an average will be disappointed. Since Monday the advance has been 4s. per quarter.
Consols opened at 921 93, and closed at 921 92/. The tendency was flat all day.
Railway Shame are from 1 to f per eent below yesterday's quotations. Illinois remain unaltered, the late advance being rather firmly maintained, and Canadians are pretty strong.
Mines have been dull, at a decline, especially those of a speculative character. Caledonian, 93/ 94 ; South-Eastern, 88 881 ; Great
Northern, 116i 1171 London and North-Western, 1011 10th; Great Western, 711 72; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 106 1061 ex div. ; Midland, 1241 1241 ex dir.; Great Western of Canada, 121 121; Mexican, 20t21;
Indian Five per Cent Loan, 1031 1031 ; Turkish Six per Cent, 731 741; Consols for Money, 921 931; Ditto for Account, 921 921.
In consequence of the continued wet weather Consols opened flat this morning at a alight decline from last night's closing prices, and are now 921 1 for Money and 6th September, and 921 93 for October Account.