FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 21. B ankruptc - Josnow HEARS, Spencer
Street, Clerkenwell, watchmaker-Pamir and JOHN ARNOLD, Luton, Bedfordshire, straw-plait-merchants-Davin TEARLB, Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire, straw-plait-dealer-Joss:Fa CHADWICK, Augustus Street, Regent's Park, stone-merchant-HF.NRY CROPLEY HArLocx, Linton, Cam- bridgeshire, apothecary-Frainmiren REnnatt, Philpot Lane-CHARLES Cause, Gutter Lane, City, silk-warehouseman-Hanna HORTON, Fenchurch Street, mer- chant -WiLttim DICKIES, Daventry, Northamptonshire, shoe-manufacturer-Davin TattoR M'PHRasozi, Noble Street, City, straw-hat-dealer-JosErn CLARKE, Kid- derminster, tanner-James BELL and enmity's Wnson, Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff- merchants-Joan MOORROUSE AXDREW, Dewsbury, innkeeper-WILLIAM M. Townson, Liverpool, victualler-Joan Wilson. Sunderland, boot-maker. Scotch Segadeatratiota.-WIMITKAN, Crossbow, Berwick, farmer-AusoN, Glas- gow, tea-merchant-Roy, Glasgow, indico-printer-CRott, Glasgow, pawnbroker- Pot-re and Co., Edinburgh, cabinet-makers-HUEY, Glasgow, merchant.
PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUsT 24. B ankrupts.-FnANcis STEVENS and GEORGE Amiorr, Earls Barton, Northampton- shire, curriers-ADRASIAM Byname, Skinner Street, imrorterof foreign glass-JamEs HENRY WATTS and JOSEPR WAITS, Woolwich, ironmongers-THOMAS SPICER, Little Britain, oilman-JosEra Joan RICHARD EYEE, George Yard, Milton Street, Cripple- gate, carman-Jowir Crams, Windsor, draper-Jona HUGHES, Basinghall Street, woollen warehouseman-JAMES IlEzEtrusE, Norwich, Hotel-keeper-Taomas ROBERT LEWIS, Gould Square, Crutched Friars, merchant-GEORGE ALLEBONE DRAGE, Olney, Buckinghamshire, shoe-manufacturer-Writtim FRANers and JANES HoOPER, Bermondsey, leather-factors-CHARLES BRADLEY, Deepfields, Staffordshire, iron-dealer-ErnRAGe Joanna, Gloucester, currier-Run:um) HORROCKS, Liverpool, baker-Joan BARBER, Manchester, machine and roller-maker.