The Afoniteur of yesterday contained a decree ordering the establish-
ment of a port at the city of Thorion on Lake Leman, and the improve- ment of the already existing port of Evian on the same lake, as works of public utility. Reports of the Emperor's arrival at Dijon have been received. Of course addresses were presented to him. The Mayor said- " When Europe affects to be always afraid of the power of your armies, she really fears much more the sympathies which you have brought forth among peoples." The Bishop of Dijon in his speech extolled the expedition to Syria, an enterprise undertaken notwithstanding the distrustful exigencies of di- plomacy. The Bishop expressed a hope that the Emperor will likewise triumph over the difficulties, almost impediments, which the same diplomacy, in departing from the path of right and justice, pretends to impose upon the eldest son of the Church, upon the Emperor, the suc- cessor of Pepin and Charlemagne. The Bishop concluded by expressing a hope that the Emperor will succeed in arresting the revolutionary flood will& menaces the patrimony of the Holy Father.
The fuller adviees from 'Messina corroborate the statements of the telegraph. Garibaldi did out-manceurre the Neapolitans, and land his men at Melito: It is probable that he has taken Reggio. The report* .
of a successful insurrection in the Basilicata are repeated without con- tradiction.