25 AUGUST 1883, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SrEcrATolt."] SIR,—I fully agree with all you say respecting Mr. Chamberlain and the Bankruptcy Bill, but will not his decision to delegate the selection of officials to work it to Departmental Committees prove to be a mistake ?

In all the counties with which I am acquainted, the Bank- ruptcy Courts are hotbeds of Toryism, and if the new officials are selected, as they probably will be, from these, the working of the new Act can scarcely fail to be impeded by the red-tapeism thus imported.

The new Act requires new blood to work it, and Mr. Chamberlain, having constructed such excellent machinery, should be careful to secure efficient and unprejudiced hands to

direct it.—I am, Sir, t'isc., A IIERCIIANT.