[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has written the following letter to the Medical Director of the Papworth Village Settlement, near Cambridge, which he recently visited :—
" I am writing to say how very interested I MI5 in all that you showed me during my recent visit to Papworth. I was specially imvessed by the way in which, by reproducing the conditions of an ordinary sanatorium in each home, you have succeeded in elim- inating domestic infection in tuberculosis, and I trust that Papworth may, before long, be imitated in other parts of the country. I was glad, too, to see the various crafts and industries that you have established In the Settlement, which do so much to help the patients to forget the illness from which they are suffering. I congratulate" you most sincerely on the wonderful work you are doing there, and wish you all possible success in the future."
At Papworth His Royal Highness saw a number of men and women who were nearly well enough to work again, and who know that if they can stay at Papworth they can do good work and never experience that awful feeling—" I have in- fected my own children." Are we to send these people away to infect their children ? That, question only your readers can answer. We do not ask for money to spend on those who are past mortal aid ; only for money to save their children from the same fate. They can so easily be infected : they can so easily be saved. It is a matter of Pounds, Shillings and Pence, and we earnestly beg your readers to send whichever they can afford to us at 10 Upper Woburn Place, London, W.C. 1.—We are, Sir, &c., FREDERICK MILNER, Chairman ; HUMPHREY ROLLESTON, President ; MELenErr, HENRY BENTINCK, ALLENBY, Vice-Presidents.