[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—In the Spectator of August 18th you publish Gt!ieral Knowledge Questions on the Sudan. I should like to point out that the answer to the seventh question is nearly four years out of date. The Sudanese and Arab troops in the Sudan used to belong to the Egyptian Army ; but after the murder of Sir Lee Stack in 1924, and the mutiny in Khartoum in November of the same year, the Egyptian units of the Egyptian Army were removed from the Sudan and the Sudanese and Arab troops were transferred to a new force known as the Sudan Defence Force, which is under the Sudan Government and entirely independent of Egypt.
From that time onwards the Governor-General of the Sudan has ceased to be Sirdar of the Egyptian Army.
The answer to question 6 is also very incomplete. It is true that village headmen are known as Sheikhs ; but in import- ance they do not hold a candle to the heads of tribes or sub- tribes of the Arabs, who are the real Sheikhs.—I am, Sir, &c., R. V. SAVILE (Lieut.-Col.),