Sir: I hope that others more technically qualified than I
will expose Mr Mottram's excursions in social psychology and in particular his statement that an aversion to skin colour is natural. Where so much in his letter is misleading it is difficult to know where to begin but I am concerned that he should not mislead your readers about the need for legislation against racial discrimination, for his arguments against legislating are, in fact, the basis for the case for an extension of the present Act. When he says that to have a black alien population at the bottom of the social pyramid would be a threat to our prosperity and would aggravate racial and colour tensions he is perfectly tight. It is to prevent this happening that the Race Relations Act will, if extended, try to secure equal oppor- tunities in employment and housing for those who are *qualified to avail themselves of these oppor- tunities.
B. I. 8: Rose Director, Survey of Race Relations in Britain, 33 Sackville Street, London WI