Stegall and Co
Sir: While I am sure Michael Trend in- tended no ill in welcoming Peter Charlton's study of Stainer (Books, 14 July), I think he might have spared us the suggestion that Stainer's contemporaries have been con- signed to oblivion, still more the innuendo that that is the best place for them. Musical movements have ebbed and flowed like Solway's tide, but Smart, Stegall, Ouseley and the rest glide serenely on in cathedrals and parish churches up and down the kingdom. For many years Stegall's 'Re- member now thy Creator' has adorned the worship at Prestbury on the Sunday next before Advent, and as yet the combined genius of the western musical tradition has offered no more robust or serviceable alternative. In comparison with the giants of European romanticism one might admit certain shortcomings, but where the Eng- lish contemporaries of Stainer excel is in their grasp of the essentials of musical durability — simple but affecting treble solos, gratifyingly straightforward chording and not too much fancy work for the second tenors. Not the qualities to excite the febrile academic and journalistic atten- tion which passes for repute: but if regular- ity of performance is any test, most of the luminaries from Schoenberg to Stock- hausen are eclipsed by Stegall and Co.
J. M. Cheetham
Organist and Choirmaster.
St Peter's, Prestbury.