c/o 12 Helmet Row, London EC1V 3QJ Telephone (01) 251 4051 PRODUCT PRICE NO. OF VALUE CASES 1. Chateau de Moines, Lalonde 12 bots. £49.09* a Pomerol 1980 (Moueix) or £44.09 2. Château Latour a Pomerol 12 bots. £80.14" 1980 (Moueix) or £75.14
3. Chateau La Fleur-Petrus, 12 bots. £90.08*
Pomerol 1980 (Moueix) or £85.08 4. Chateau Le Bon Pasteur, 12 bots. £90.08" Pomerol 1979 or £85.08
*On any order of three cases or more, whether of the same wine or not, f5 per case may be deducted from the price of every case.
REMITTANCE ENCLOSED £ Please make cheques payable to Spectator Wine Club.
Please dispatch wine to: NAME ADDRESS Price includes VAT and delivery UK mainland.
This offer is subject to stock availability and the closing date is 30 September 1984. CASH WITH ORDER ONLY PLEASE