WE have been highly gratified with this panorama, which is one of the must pleasing, and by no means one of the least interesting pictures that Mr. BURFORD has given us. It reminds us of the view of Sydney ; but the scenery round Quebec, though not less luxuriant in beauty, is of
a much grander character. "Quebec, the capital of Canada, and of the British possessions in North America, stands at the northern extremity of a narrow and lofty point of land, formed by the junction of the rivers St. Lawrence and St. Charles." The view is taken from the heights of Abraham, the" Hyde Park" of Quebec, and a short distance from the outworks. The objects more immediately under the eye are few, con.
sisting only of that part of the upper town rising above the steep cliffs on which it is built, its almost impregnable fortifications, and the Martello
towers which cross the neck of the promontory, veith one or two country- houses. The distance reveals to the sight the vast expanse of country through which the broad St. Lawrence takes its course, its surface studded with vessels of all descriptions, and its banks clothed in all the prodigality of nature, with groves, gardens, and pastures sloping down to the water's edge. Beyond the river, the fertileidains, interspersed with villages, from which rise tall, spires that
"with silent linger point to heaven," stretch up to the chain of mountains whose undulating outline bounds the horizon, encircling the whole extent of country. The falls of the Alontmorenci are just seen on one side of the bay, and the island of Orleans and Cape Tourment on the other.- On the heights of Abraham was fought the battle in which General Wolfe fell. The picturesque anti varied fertility of the scenery, no less than its immensity, strikes the ob- server and excites admiration : it is the repose of gigantic beauty.
The execution of the painting deserves the highest praise. The fore- ground is treated in a manner felicitous and tasteful, evincingin the artist
a fine feeling for nature. It reminds one of RUBENS'S landscapes; and the
glowing splendour of the sunlight gilding the grass, and steeping the river and distant country in its gorgeous hues, presents a pictorial effect
worthy of TURNER. The spectator will get the effect of sunlight to the best advantage from a distance. The difficulty of giving value ani. interest to the foreground must have beengreat, on account of the paucity of available objects ; the costumes and customs not allowing of promi- nent introduction. This difficulty has been skilfully overcome, and the few figures introduced give sufficient life to prevent monotony. We. hope Mr. Buaronu will be encouraged to present us with other glimpses of the New World : he has a wide field open to his perseverance, if the first fruits tempt him to reap the harvest.