25 DECEMBER 1830, Page 15


Thursday, December 23, J. W. LUBBOCK, Esq. V. P. and Treasurer, in the Chair. James Smith, Esq. of Jordan Hill, Glasgow, was elected a, Fellow of the Society. Presents Announced—New edition of Mr. Faraday's work on Chemi- cal Manipulation.—On the Utility of fixing Lightning Conductors on Ships. By William Snow Harris, Esq.—Experimental Inquiries on Electrical Accumulation. By the Same.—Papers read before the Royal Institute of France, at its Public Annual Sitting on the 24th of April, 1827. Presented by the Royal Institute of France.—The Analysis of the Transactions of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, during the year 1828, in the Mathematical and Physical Departments. Presented by the Institute —Discourse on the Death of the Baron Fourier. By AL de Feletz.—Discourse on the same occasion. By M. Girard.—Histo- rical Eulogiums on the Baron Ramond. By the Baron Cuvier ; and on M. Bose. By the Same—Physiological Memoir on the Brain. By M. Magendie.—Reports on M. Falret's Prize Essay on Statistics ; and on M. Sarulla's Memoir on the Action of Sulphuric Acid on Alcohol. By MM. Thenard and Chevreuil.—Astronomical Observations made by /v1. Preuss during the Second Voyage of Captain von Kotzebue round the World, at the different Points of Coast where the Expedition landed. Edited by Professor Strave.—Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory at Abo. Vol. I. For 1824 and 1825. By Professor Arge hinder.

A paper was then read "On the Hour Lines of the Ancients." By W. A. Cadell, Esq. F.R.S. The Society then adjourned over the Christmas holydays, to the 13th of January.