STOCE EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Evssfisto.—The Consol Market has shown greap firmness this week, when it Is considered how many circumstances have occurred to
shake confidence.
The alarming nature of the newsfrom Paris, on Saturday last, had forced prices down to 814; but on Monday morning the Market recovered rapidly to 811. The price has since been down to 81i, and has fluctuated considerably, but always ulti.
mately rising, until this afternoon, when the price reached sn 4, and closed at that price. The dealers, when they look abroad, are still disposed tosell ; but are re- strained by the apprehension of ascarcity of Stock so soon as the demand occa- sioned by the payment of the Dividends comes into operation.
Money is in rather more demand: than it was lately. Exchequer Bills are lower,
viz. 18 premium. India Bonds are at about 9 premium. - In the Foreign Market, the panic has rather subsided : prices are now about, 885 to 89. On Monday they had fallen to 86. Brazil Bonds were also done on that day at 35, but are now about one per cent. higher. Portuguese Bonds were also down to 364, but are now worth about 40. Spanish keeps firm at about 16; but on the whole, the transactions of this week have had but little interest.
In the Share Market, there is hardly any thing doing.
Bank Stock .... 195,4 64 Buenos Ayres... — Spanish.. ..... 154 16 Ditto, New 114 4 (MARES.
Bolanos 180 190 Brazilian . 62 63 Columbian . 54 6 I
Anglo Mexican.. 29 30 Witted Mexican 10 11)5
Chit= 184 194 Colombian ..... 17 18 Danish...—. .. 57 Greek....... .. 21 23
Mexican 35 36
Peruvian 144 154
Portuguese 39 41
Russian. ..... 884 89
3 per Cent. Red. 8144 3 per Cent. Cons. — 33 per Cent. New — Consols for Acct. 8211 Long Annuities 17 1-16 Ex. Bills, 10001. 17 19
India Bonds .... 10 Brazilian.... .. 56