• Among the complaints or tU week, we find one
against a hack- ney coachman, ``. for driving an insufficient horse, and whipping him on an' extensive wound.' This charge must have sounded . strangely in the ears of aAarvy, who is not accustomed to talk of the insufficiency of his cattle, or to designate a raw by the phrase of "extensive wound." He would doubtless be as much at a loss as Joe Miller's carter, who, when asked whether his horse could draw an inference, answered, "He could draw any thing in reason." But-this come's' of the pneness of newspaper language the penny-a-line men are the peit-maitres of intelligence, the euphuists of news. Or it May be, that long words pay better than short—it is more profitable to say the "unfortunate individual at the bar," than plain "he's or" she." This is one of the evils of paying by meaSureinent It has ruined the reviews, and is now overlaying, the broad-sheet.