25 DECEMBER 1830, Page 9
In the trial of the ex-Ministers at Paris, the advocate
of one- the prisoners fainted at .theaclese of his address, as the mpst , thetic conelu,sionsbe; could- come to.- ''This- practier perbratioil,, will be consideredibythe: Parisians, who make, a joke of ,every... thing, neither more nor less than a coup de th6itre. When' poor Mr. MURRY went blind at the end of his History of the Norman. Conquest, by way of final finis, they .called it a moyen de. Siicciis ;. av ; to which—viz. success—it is true that a Frenchriikfi'WoUld 'almost , sacrifice his eyesight. If vanity was ever anywhere ennobled into " a.great principle; it is in France; It has ninth even to do with their bravely.