EAST INDIA SHIPPING. AsztvirD — At Gravesend, 18th Dec., Lord Hsddo, Rennie,
from Singapore ; Sarah Charlotte, Dunnett, from Batavia ; Lady Clarke, M'I.ean ; Windsor, Gregson ; and Maid of Julpha, Gardner, from Calcutta ; Providence, Hicks, from Madras ; and War. lock, Bell, from Mauritius; 19th, Dutchess of Buecleuch, Collier, from Calcutta ; 21st, Pracojee Cosvasjee, Edwards, from Ditto ; Princess Royal, Van Zuilecom, from Sydney ; and Eclipse, Austen. from Mauritius. In the Downs, 23d,Perelan, EdIngton ; and Wm. Gibson, Alexander, from Calcutta ; Greenlaw, Owen, from Madras ; Coromandel, Gray, from Bombay ; end Susan Crisp. Holdeworth, from the Cape. OF Plymouth, 22d, Justin*, /Row, from Madras ; Tigris, Lintin, from Ceylon ; and John King, Martin, from Mau- ritius. At Falmouth, 20th, Caernarvon. Ellis, from Sydney; and Etheldred, Bradford, from Moulmein. At Liverpool, 17th, Hindley, Shaw, from Mauritius; 20th, Selina, .-- from China ; and 21st, Henry Winch, Williams, from Calcutta. At Calcutta, previous to 7th Nov. Barham, Gimblett ; Bucephains, Bell ; Collingwood, Craw- ford ; Lord W. Bentinck, Allan ; Vellore, Bell ; and Ellenborongh, Lambert, from London ; John Bull. Crawford ; and Sanderson, Douglas, from Liverpool ; and Gee- long, Wyse, from the Clyde. At Ceylon, 26th October, Harrison Chilton, Kay, from Liverpool ; and 13th Nov. Tallentire, White, from London. At Hong-kong, pre- vious to 26th Oct. Emma, Bibby ; Walton, Little ; and F. Barclay, Matthews, from Liverpool. At Sydney, 16th Aug. Josephine, Smith, from London : and 13th Sept. E. Lancaster, Lodge ; and Pennyard Park, Weller, from London. At Port Philip, —, Stains Castle. Dawson, from London ; and Indian Chief, —, from the Clyde.
Samar—From Gravesend, 20th Dec. Euphrates. Munro. for Sydney ; and Zenobla, Owen, for Calcutta ; 21st, Ann Milne, Thorns, for Port Phillip; Scotia, Strickland ; and Augusta, Duncan, for Madras; and. Royal Shepherdess, Scott, for Ceylon;;, and 22d, ]tart' Ann, Cox, for Calcutta.