The impediments to the formation of a new Ministry, in
which Lord Derby exulted, appeared formidable in the earlier and vaguer reports of the week ; but we believe they never were what they, were supposed to be, and they gave way before -the spirit which animated the men engaged in the great public duty of the day. The Ministry turns out to be just such a one as was expected as soon as Lord Aberdeen's mission was understood—only better. Lord Aberdeen is supported by Lord John Russell in the Foreign Office, Lord Palmerston in the Home Office, the Duke of New- castle in the Colonial Office, Sir James Graham in the Admiralty, Mr. Gladstone in the Exchequer Mr. Sidney Herbert in the War Office, Lord Cranworth on the Woolsack, Sir William 3folesworth in Public Works, the Duke of Argyll as Privy Seal, and the Mar- quis of Lansdowne in the Cabinet without office. This arrangement neutralizes certain antecedents that might have suggested doubts to some over anxious politioians : Mr. Gladstone, for example, would not be embarrassed by High Church pledges in the department of finance ; and any bottle-holding ener- gies of Lord Palmerston might be judiciously turned upon the pro- duce of Barclay's men, rather than directed against the too cele- brated object of their chase. But it is not to be expected that the more solemnly recorded pledges eyen of individual statesmen will be forfeited by their union with this national Cabinet. Sir William Molesworth is not' to be supposed to have left his principles outside the door of office. Lord John Russell will not be induced to forswear further Reform; although the discussions of the past year showed that the subject had not yet been freed from all difficulties of detail, and that it would have to be approached in a more deliberate mode than the hasty tentatives of that unlucky session. No difficulties of that kind hindered the formation of the Ministry. Whatever hesitations did arise, were due to proper scruples; but they were overcome by that spirit of devotion, the very reverse of self-seeking, to which, we understand, there was not a single exception.
The new Ministry is said to be threatened with a powerful Op- position. From the composition of the new Cabinet, it will be seen that it comprises an unusual amount of administrative power, and that it must be meant for business ; and from the spirit which has presided over its formation we perceive that it will be pre- pared to go towards a maturely-conceived object with directness and with all its strength. A factious resistance to such a Govern- ment would be more hazardous to its opponents than to it. But should the Ministry encounter a vexatious hinderance to public business from the gentlemen sitting on the left hand of the Speaker, there is such a thing as a prompt and decisive appeal to the country ; which might be all the more telling for not being made on-quibbling propositions and mental reservations, but on explicit and intelligible statements.