Tuesday, December 21. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Todd and Turner, Wheelton, Lancashire, gold-thread- manufacturers-Rostron and Co. Rio de Janiero; as far as regards J. H. M•Kinuell -Robertsons and Fleming, Liverpool, ship-brokers-Garwood and Myers, Man- chester, horse-dealers-T. and J. Jones, Manchester, wine-dealers-Martin and Co. Bead Hokne, Rawtenstall, Lancashire, manufacturers of cotton ; as far as regards S. Newberry-J. and H. Jervis, Bristol, tea-dealers-J. M. and S. M. Smith, Few Bond Street, dealers in pictures-Howarth and Co. Dean, Lancashire, cotton-cloth- manufacturers-Leng and Co. Knight's Grange, Winsford, Cheshire, salt-proprietors -W. and J. Dawkins, Bread Street, Cheapside, warehousemen-Meader and Foot, Idol Lane, wine-merchants-W. and M. Tossell, Tottenham Green, ironmongers- D. and H. Howhotham, Coventry, ribruid-manufacturers-Walters and Stone, Bir- mingham, goldsmiths-Carson and Son ; as far as regards T. K. Carson-Prichard sen. and Prichardjun. Portman Street, Marylebone, upholsterers-Christian and Co. Douglas, drapers-Brierley and Jack, Rochdale, patent-press-dyers--James and Co. Aberystwyth, coal-merchants. Beimareas.-JuLes Al/TIMMS, Mark Lane, general-merchant, to surrender Jan.
7, Feb. 5: solicitor, Brewer, Philpot Lane ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Penman:1x Wrimmi Tnosiss, Leadenhall Street, auctioneer, Dec. 29, J an. 31: solicitor, Cole, Leadenhall Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall
S treet-Taoism MANLEY, Exeter, dealer in wool, Dec. 29, Jan. 26: solicitor, Tur- ner, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-W.11, BATE, Camelford, Corn- wall, butcher, Dec. 29, Jan. 26: solicitor, Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hirt- zel, Exeter-Furrensa Pssasoir, Liverpool, painter, Jan. 5, 31: solicitor, Payne, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS.-Jan. 13, Titcombe, Highgate, butcher-Jan. 13, Bryant, Victoria °rove, Stoke Newington, builder-Jan. 13, Tamsett, Woolwich, builder-Jan. 12, Bumip, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper. CERTIFICATE/3.-lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of stweting.-Jan. 20, Cobb, Colchester, auctioneer-Jan. 13, Keeley and Williams, Strand, tailors-Tan. 13, Heathwaite, New Street, Covent Garden, cheesemonger- .Jan. 11, Stevens, Liverpool, shipowner-Jan. 15, Guest, Burslem, victualler. DECLARATIONS OP Drimarme.-W. W. and T. R. Williams, Newport, Monmouth- shire, bankers ; first div. of 2.7. at the Westgate Hotel, Newport ; creditors whose sur- names begin with A, B, C. D, E, and F, Dec. 27 ; 0,13, I, K, and L, Dec. 28; M, N, 0, P, Q, and R, Dec. 20; 8, T, II, V, W, X, Y, 2, Dec. 30; and any creditor, on any subsequent Wednesday; Acraman, Bristol-Hymers, Gateshead, innkeeper; first and final die. 3-5d. any day after Dec. 22; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Gisburne, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, bookseller; first and final div. of la. 7d. on new proofs (being in part of former div. of 9s. 6d.) any day after the 23d instant; Baker, Newcastle- upon-Tyne-Wright, Wheelton, Lancashire, calico-printer; final div. of 1 15-16d. Jan. 4, or any subsequent Tuesday; Fraser, Manchester-Burt and Co. Manchester, commission-agents ; final div. of 1 11-16d. on the separate estate of J. Burt, Jan. 4, or any subsequent Tuesday; Fraser, Manchester-Dilkes;Warrington, victualler first and tumidly. of Ss. Id. Jan. 4, or any subsequent Tuesday; Fraser, Manches- ter__Chadfield. Manchester. plasterer; trot and final div. of la. Id. any Tuesday; Fraser, Manchester. SooTcH SEQIIRSTRATION.-Butherford, Jedburgh, farmer, Dec. 27, Jan. 22.
_Friday, December 24.
PARTNERSHIPS Dissovren.-J. and J. Jackson, Macclesfield, drapers-King and
Clark, St. John's Wood, carpenters-Allen and Co. Bradford, stuff-manufacturers; as far as regards R. Allen--Oolthurst and Sons. Bristol, maltsters-Benn and Bald- rey jun. Hanworth-M0arrey and Crinan, Little Hutton, Lancashire, provision- dealers-Kay and Goff, Prospect Place, Kingsland Road, chemists-Lee and Cox- head, Albemarle Street, music-sellers-Gabriel and Cherry, Roll's Building, Fetter veterinary-surgeons-Binns and Pinder, Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, card-setting- machine-makers-Stockdale and Co. Bristol, tailors-James and Son, wine-mer- chants-Leyburn and Wild, York, engine-makers-Besemeres and Co. Wood Street, warehousemen-Swain and Co. Huddersfield, general-merchants ; as far as regards W. Hopkinson-Johnson and Morgan, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, nail-factors- Fry and Groom, Lime Street, ship-brokers-Mills and Wild, Heywood, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-Kruse and Co. Savage Gardens, Tower Hill, ship-chandlers-Wor- ley and Fisher, Liverpool, ship-insurance-brokers-Atkinson and Musgrave, Chan- cery Lane, law-stationers-Masterman and Linsey, Bishopsgate Street Without, gas-engineers-Orange and Hobson, Leicester, worsted-spinners-Chadwick and Buckley, Oldham, painters-Swinburne and Rateliff, Old Gravel Lane, engineers- Miller and Bell, Kettering, Northamptonshire, manufacturers of chicory-Thistel- ton and Lukey. Dover, grocers-M`Farlane and Co. Port Dundee, distillers.
Bairirserr.-WiLLLtio Jong XERRIDOE, Deptford, cheesemoiager, to surrender Jan. 4, Feb. 8: solicitors, Pocock and Poole, Bartholomew Close; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane.
Diving:41)6.-Jan. 14,Warren, Nelson Place, City Road, coach-maker-Jan. 14, Lock- Yer, Old Street, baker-Jan. 18, Westley, Playhouse Yard, bookbinder-Jan. 18, Bol- ton, Albany Street, coach-maker-Jan.21, T. and W. Linea, Piccadilly, tailors-Jan. 21, Drew, Wittam's Buildings, Old Street Road, carpenter-Jan. 18, Thompson, Pic- cadilly, linen-draper-Jan. 14, Steward, Broughton, Norfolk. corn-merchant-Jan. 14, Roe, Suffolk Place, Islington, upholsterer-Jan. 15, Sands, Coal Exchange, coal- factor-Jan. 15, Green junior, Brighton, ironmonger-Jan. 15, Dean, Brighton, clothier-Jan. 15, Harris, Hampstead Road, brewer-Jan. 15, Gillam, Tarlington Place, Edgeware Road, wine-merchant-Jan. 15, Sandie, North Ockendon, Essex, cattle-dealer-Jan. 15, Heathwaite, New Street, Covent Garden, cheesemonger- Jan. 15, Brewer, Deptford, mast-maker-Jan. 15, Adams and Ralston, Bow, en- gineers-Jan. 15, Dauptain, Wharf Road, City Road, colour-merchant-Jan. 14, Dal- by, Hornsey Road, butcher-Jan. 14, Sewell, Swaffham, Norfolk, scrivener-Jan. 15, Meeson, Fenchurch Street, coal-merchant-Jan. 19, Morley, Great Bridge, Stafford- shire, iron-manufacturer-Jan. 14, Grooeock, Leicester, hosier-Jan. 14, A. W.and J. Bellairs, Stamford, bankers-Jan. 14. Eminson. Grantham, scrivener-Jan. 14, pladwin, Nottingham, draper-Jan. 21, Young, Hartlepool, grocer-Jan. 21, Rowell ittnior, Carlisle, painter-Jan. 21, Gibson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocer-Jan. 21, Hadaway, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocer.
CERTIPICATES.-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of tnecting.-Jan. 21, Dobson, High .Holborn, mathematical-drawing-instrument-maker -Jan. 14, Harrison, Liverpool, dealer in locks-Jan. 15, Fawkuer, Kidderminster, victualler-Jan. 18, James, King,swinford, Staffordshire, draper. DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS.-Worms, Blackfriars Road, boot-maker-first div. of la. 31d. any Monday; Canaan, Aldermanbury-Ford and Reeves, Leadenhall Street, ship-brokers ; second div. of 50. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers -Loader, Finsbury Pavement, cabinet-maker; first div. of 5s. any Tuesday; Pen- nell, Guildhall Chambers-Corran, Hampstead Road, baker: second div. of 44. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Patient, Saffron Walden, cooper ; first div. of 2a. 3d. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Boote, Commercial Road, chemist; first div. of 4 5-74. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Stace, Stmod, ironmonger ; second div. of 94. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- Mitchell, Lime Street, merchant; sixth div, of id. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Kelly, Newport, Monmouthshire, bookseller ; second div. 114. any Tues- day; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers--Carttar, Greenwich, solicitor; first day. of 6d. Dec. 30, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Sanford Paternoster Row, stationer ; first div. of 64. Dec. so, and three subsequent Thurs- days; Stansfeld, Basinghall St.-Johnson, Northumberland PI. Commercial Rd. East, ironmonger ; first div. 94. Dec. 30, three subsequent Thursday; Stansfeld, Basinghall St.-Long, Belgrave Street South, picture-dealer ; first div. ls. 44. Dec. 30, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Streeter, Brighton, corn- merchant; first div. of 108. 643. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street- ountcastle, King William Street, hatter; first div. of 4s. 11d. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Wylam and Green jun. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, mer- chants; second and final div. of 3-20d. (in addition to 3 7-124. previously declared,) any day after Dec. 26; Baker, Newcaatle-upon-Tyne-Pearce and Thackray, Sun- derland, timber-merchants ; first div. of 2s. 8d. and second div. of W. and first and final div. of 208. on the separate estate of T. Pearce, Dec. 31, or any Saturday after Jan. 6; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Tomlinson, WintarteaL corn-merchant ; seventh die. of 1 5-16d. any day ; Young, Leeds-Kendall and Co. Leeds, grocers second die. of la. 6d. any day Young. Leeds-Beniams jun. Hereford, grocer ; first div. of 2a. 94. any Thursday; Whitmore, Birmingham-Dalton and Edwards, Bir- mingham, iron-founders; final div. of 21d. any Thursday ; Whitmore, Birmingham -Weston, Wellington, Shropshire, surgeon ; first div. of 6d. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham-Leader, Liverpool. joiner ; first div, of la. 94. any Wednesday ; Mor- gan, Liverpool-Pritchard, Liverpool, tea-dealer ; first div. of 21d. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool.