The following is issued this morning as a correct list of the new Ministry.
The Earl of Aberdeen First Lord of the Treasury. Lord Cranworth Lord Chancellor.
Mr. Gladstone . Chancellor of the Exchequer. Lord Palmerston Home Secretary of State. Lord John Russell Foreilp Secretary of State. The Duke of Newcastle. Colonial Secretary of State. Sir James Graham. First Lord of the Admiralty. Earl Granville President of the Council.
The Duke of Argyll Lord Privy Seal. - Mr. Sidney Herbert Secretary at War. Sir C. Wood. President of the Board of Control.
Sir W. Molesworth. First Commissioner of Public Works.
The Marquis of Lansdowne Without office.
The following gentlemen are also members of the Ministry though not in the Cabinet.
Mr. Cardwell President of the Board of Trade.
Sir Alexander Cockburn Attorney-General.
Sir W. Page Wood Solicitor-General.
Without any disparagement to Lord Cranworth, many hoped to see the name of Lord St. Leonards in this list ; and it is understood that he was invited to remain in the office where he has given such universal satisfaction as a judge. The Legislature loses a valuable Law Minister ; and the client will remember with gratitude that unprecedented diligence in a Lord Chancellor which has left not a single case for judgment. It is reported that the Irish Lord Chancellor will remain in office.