25 DECEMBER 1852, Page 9


ADIMIALTY, Dec. 13.—Brevet Major J. T. Brown to be Lieut.-CoL vice Tothill, retired on full-pay ; Brevet Major E. A. Parker to be Lieut--Col. vice Whitcomb, re- tired on full-pay ; First Lieut. and Quartermaster H. C. P. Dyer to be Capt. vice Brown, promoted ; First Lieut. W. B. T. Rider to be Capt. vice Parker, promoted ; Second Lieut. G. Gill to be First Lieut. vice Dyer; Second Lieut. G. Bridges to be First Lieut. vice Rider; First Lieut. J.Elliott to be Quartermaster, vice Dyer. ADMIRALTY, Dec. 17.—The following promotions have this day taken place con- sequent on the death, on the 16th inst. of Admiral of the Blue Sir T. Briggs, G.C.M.G.—Vice-Admiral J. White, on the Reserved Half-pay List, to be Admiral on the same list; Vice-Admiral W. H. B. Tremlett, on the Reserved Half-pay List, to be Admiral on the same list ; Vice-Admiral of the Red Sir S. Pym, K.C.B. to be Admiral of the Blue ; Vice-Admiral of the White T. Brown to be Vice-Admiral of the Red ; Vice-Admiral of the Blue the Hon. .1. Percy, C.B. to be Vice-Admiral of the White ; Rear-Admiral or the Red J. W. D. Dundas, C.B. to be Vice-Admiral of the Blue; Rear-Admiral of the White B. Reynolds, C.B. to be Rear-Admiral of the lied; Rear-Admiral of the Blue F. E. Loch to be Rear-Admiral of the White ; Capt. Sir G. R. B. Pechell, Bart, to be Rear-Admiral on Reserved Half-pay; Capt. H. B. Powell to be Rear-Admiral on Reserved Half-pay ; Capt. the Hon. H.J. Roue to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue ; and the following Captains on the Retired List to be Retired Rear-Admirals on the terms proposed in the London Gazette of lit Sept. 1846, without increase of Pay—Capt. H. T. B. Collier, Capt. .7. Brenton, Capt. W. Ramsden, Capt. H. Stanhope, Capt. J. T. Coffin, Capt. E. Curzon, C.B. Capt. S. Arabia.