" • TO. ellit It:FADERS.
The price of the Spectator 1l e "reduced. on Saturday next, the.1st of January l&59, to 6d. ; with the additioaal Charge of id. for a stamped copy. Qf course i41slsot4upposed that the iecine#en of price will be in itself an '4.attracliun!! indeed we can well imaging that some of our readers may 'view, the step with mistrust. It is, howeveri only subertlinate to more im- portant elm-ages, By a gradual, but not' we trust a slow process, the reader will find the iriforination stit,plicif to him in the several dopartmefits.tif the journal mote complete than it has yetbeen. He Trill be deprived of.tething that he has been accustomed to look for in our page.i, but he *111 front time tO tilt() Lind additions introduced on a plan of consecutive improrement' That plan hack received the apprOval of the Pounder and the late Editor of the Spectator, just before his owe retirement ; and he handed it to his suc- cessors for adoption. Ciretimstances have hitherto delayed its execution ; but it will presently speak to the reader for itself.
We have reason to believe that the Spectatol! willpossess.an enlarged in- terest, and that it will be supported by 'an increasing number of readers. The present price, exceptional among political papers of the highest class, would operate restrictively in this eaten-Sion-of usefulness, and hence the reduction.
But the aspect of the journal Will remain unaltered;- and politically' the Spectator will be what it has been from the first,—aLiberal paper, perfectly independent of every party.