25 DECEMBER 1875, Page 23

Shakespeare's Plutarch. By the Rev. Walter W. Skeet. (Macmillan.) —This

book, which goes over part of the same ground as the " Shake- speare Library," contains such Plutarch's Lives (as translated by North) as illustrate Shakespeare's plays. These lives are Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, Brutus, Antony, and Augustus. Extracts from the lives of Theseus and Alcibiades are also given. Mr. Skeet prefixes some in- teresting remarks on the poet's obligation to this work. The text of the work is taken from the edition of 1612. and curiously enough, from a copy which is believed to have been in the possession of Shakespeare himself. The copy actually used by him must, of course, have been earlier. Mr. Malone assigns Curiolanns to 1610, and Antony and Cleopatra and Julius Clever to earlier years. Mr. Skeet adds notes and useful indices.