25 DECEMBER 1880, Page 1

If the Standard's correspondents may be trusted, the pro- posal

to request Greece and Turkey to submit their difference to an International Council of Arbitration has been accepted by Germany, Austria, France, and England. It will also, it is be- lieved, be accepted by Italy and Russia. It has not, however, been as yet accepted either by Greece or Turkey, each of these Powers fearing to lose too much by the decision, and being, therefore, unwilling to sign a distinct pledge to abide by the award. This 'pledge is, of course, an indispensable condition precedent, as otherwise Europe, after the award had been pronounced, would be just where it was. Should the reluctance at Athens and Constantinople be overcome, the proposal has these advantages, that the Council could not travel out of the record, and would not, therefore, excite so much fear as a Congress ; that it might give the territory to Greece, and a sum of money to Turkey ; and that its decision must, if needful, be carried out by Europe by force. The Powers could not allow such a tribunal to be -set at naught, without renouncing their own claim to be the ultimate arbiters of any redistribution of territory in Eastern Europe. That claim constituted their sole right to interfere with the wise and beneficial Treaty of San Stefano.