Messrs. G. P. Patnam's Sons send us six dainty little
volumes, enclosed in a case of rough gilded cloth, which bear the title of
Pearls, the volumes themselves being of a delicate sky-blue colour.
They contain seleotions of poetry carefully made, and often from authors very little known. It is always difficult for a selector to get novelty without a sacrifice of excellence ; the best things are, for the most part, the best known, and what has remained in obscurity seldom repays discovery. Still, diligent search and wide reading do
meet with their reward. They have in this case. There is much in Pearls that will be new to most readers. The volumes bear the titles, "Reflection," "Wit and Humour," "Fancy," "Faith, Hope, and Charity," "Love," "The Poets' Garland."