25 DECEMBER 1936, Page 2

* * A World Outlook The idea of a World

Foundation to promote the con- ception of the world as a unit, peopled by men and women as citizens of the world as well as citizens of one country is entirely sound. There. is no reason why . mankind should not live -in some 60 separate States- foradminis- trative purposes, so king as it can realise that there is a fundamental unity underlying the diversities of language and nationality and religion. The aim of the World Foundation is to emphasise that truth and to build on it. to effect, in -brief, "the intelligent organisation of lilt. on this. planet." If the organisation iv-in--fact intelligent it will be incompatible with the,idead of War, and the Foundation, will therefore be a powerful factor for peace, though in no sense a pacifist society. Its sanity and width of outlook are sufficiently indicated by the fact that its first sponsors include men like Don Salvador de Madariaga (who is chairman), Dr. Moritz Bonn, Prof. Gugliehno Ferrero, Lord Lytton, Sir Arthur Salter and Sir Norman Angell. They boldly ask for an endownient fund of £1,000,000, which may be easier to secure than a more modest sum, and contemplate establishing head- quarters at The Hague,. Geneva, or Vienna. The existence of such a body at Vienna might have important. political effects as a stabilising factor.