Snt,--May I say how much I appreciated D. E. Estoourt's article " Youth and All That" ? To separate the citizens of a nation into age groups, each requiring special treatment, is a Totalitarian concept which may prove dangerous and expensive in a democracy. The true strength of a demo- cratic nation lies in the strength of its community life, and any cross section of that community must include citizens at every stage from the cradle to the grave. We can do more for youth in this country by adopting some form of social security such as the Beveridge plan, than by launching out into expensive and hastily conceived youth movements. The adoption of such a plan would make it possible for the homes of the nation, the true unit of its democracy, to be built on a foundation of self-respect, free from the squalor and privation which have been responsible for so many
of the evils apparent not only in our youthful citizens. Given secure homes and a more equitable system of education, our youth could be trusted to take their rightful share in the life of the community.—