SIR,—With reference to Mrs. Dugdale's article in your issue of Decem- ber 11th, I should like to draw your attention to the fact that not only the Polish Jewry is being ruthlessly exterminated by the Nazis, but that Jews from all occupied countries are being transported to Poland, where they are put to death under the appalling conditions Mrs. Dugdale describes. The order given by Hirrunler, the S.S. chief, was: " Am
I Januar 1943 muss Deutschland judenrein sein." (Germany must be free of Jews on tst January, 1943.)
What are the United Nations going to do about this? In my opinion, the declaration made by the International Federation of Trades Unions will come as a shock to most German workers not in contact with under- ground movements. It has taken six months for news of this new Nazi barbarism to reach the public through the free Press of the United Nations ; and probably no mention of this outrage has as yet been made in the German or German-controlled Press, so that the German public must be largely uninformed.
With regard to Mrs. Dugdale's proposal that, amongst other countries, Palestine should open its frontiers to those who have escaped from the terror, I should like to point out that: 1. Palestine can at the most harbour two million more Jews.
2. The Arabs are already disturbed lest the promises made to them by Lawrence of Arabia should be forgotten completely in the sudden interest in the Jews aroused by their present suffering throughout the occupied countries.
All these are factors to be borne in mind by all those " that pass by."— Yours faithfully, I. FRANK. Tors Hotel, Lynmouth, N. Devon.