ACCOMMODATION WANTED SIR,—May I crave the hospitality of your columns
in bringing to notice the great difficulties faced by such organisations as the one to which I have the honour to belong.
In these days of high charges it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable accommo- dation at a reasonable cost for meetings so necessary to the life of a club of this nature
and for which it has become well-nigh impossible to plan a regular venue. Whilst one does not expect facilities to fall from the skies, one wonders whether some kindly and public-spirited body would not consider it praiseworthy to offer cheap accommodation to such Associations as this who do at least strive to keep alive those things which most of us with any imagination know to be most worth while.
At the moment it looks as if we must continue our trudge inspecting unsuitable base- ments or draughty and inhospitable church halls.—Yours faithfully, S. WILLIAM Low (Chairman) The London Symphony Orchestra Club, 124 Sloane Street, S.W.!