25 DECEMBER 1959, Page 10
SIR,—Mr. Bernard 1.evin .(with whom my only dif- ference of
opinion so far has been about his desire, on the principle of the freedom of the subject, to have the whole country ankle-deep in litter) should, I think (unless, as may well be the case, his services are so valuable that you dare not administer to him the slightest rebuke), be gently (but firmly) told to limit (with a view to retaining the goodwill and preserving the good temper—even the sanity—of his readers) the number and length (and also the com- plexity) Of his (often :quite avoidable) parenthetical interpolations.—Yours faithfully, WILFRID TY! DESLEY 5 North View, Wimbledon„ 514/19