Christmas Questions
Set by NIACKENZIE STEWA.RT THE questions are intended to test ingenuity as well as knowledge.' If you wish to test yourself, it is suggested that you write sour answers on a sheet of paper. then compare them with those given on page 947, marking each answer out of a possible two marks. Anyone Vt ho gets 45 marks out of 160 may vi ell feel pleased w oh himself; 65 1N ould be
'Very Good.'' .) 1. What?
(a) Is the name for a triangle having two of its sides equal.
(b) Is the town in the German Federal Re- public with the largest population.
(() Event took place on September 27, 1825. Is the amount of heat needed to raise I gram of vi titer through 1 degree Centi- grade.
(e) Was described by Percy .Scholes as the clothing of melody.'
2. What is the difference between?
(a) Brass and bronze.
(b) Cranial and cerebral.
(c) Psychology and psychiatry.
(d) A hydrometer and a h■grometer.
(e) Sand 00.
3. What have the following in common?
(a) Beattie, Jacob, Weston. Wright.
(b) Civic, le el. rotator. tenet.
(c) Borneo, Ecuador, Gilbert Islands, Uganda.
(d) 11,13,19,29.
(e) Hammers, Pensioners, Throsdes, Toffee Men.
4. How many?
(a) Moons has Mars.
(b) Ferries are crossed by the Great North Road from London to John O'Groat's.
(c) Square yards of surface are usually reckoned to be covered by a gallon of paint.
(d) Bars of melody, from the copyright point of view, constitute an original.
(e) Native languages are spoken in the British Isles.
5. A miscellany :
(a) Is it wrong to use a King George V stamp on a letter? -
(b) Which two London main-line railway termini are farthest apart?
(() How much is paid to a professional cricketer for an appearance in a Test Match in England'?
(d) Under w hat heading will you find the word 'politics! in Roget's Thes'aura.s? (,) Who landed at Borrodale from La
6 By what other name do or did we know?
(a) Wroclaw.
(b) Avron Hirsch Goldbogen.
(c) The office of Speaker of the House of Lords.
(d) Maj. Cecil William Nlercer.
(c) The o2sophagus.
7. Who said?
(a) 'You can 'know little of any idea until you know the history of that idea.'
(b) 'Papa. I've been writing a book.'
(e) 'He speaks to me as if I was a public meeting' (and who was lie'?),
(d) *Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing badly.'
(e) 'A job is death without the d gnity.'
(a) Is the meaning of the lvord *Riding' (as . in 'West Riding').
(b) Is the largest state in the US.
(c) Had its origin in Pudding Lane in 1666.
(d) Is the narrowest part of Great Britain ( from West to East).
(e) Accent has been described as a mixture of Irish, Welsh, and catarrh.
9. What is the significance of?
(a) Bamber Bridge to Broughton.
(b) Garden gate. Doctor's orders, Downing Street, Legs eleven.
(c) Erect, having one hind paw on the ground. the other three pass and tail elevated, head looking to the dexter.
(d) The letter 'Q' in an index mark on a motor-vehicle.
(e) I. P—K Kt 4, P—K4; 2. P—K B 3,Q— KR 5.
10. A second miscellany :
(a) What. in Stock Exchange parlance, are equities?
(b) How old was Pepys when he began his diary, and how old was he w hen he ended it?
(r) For what, besides songwriting, was lerome Kern famous?
(d) Is there any country in which the expecta- tion of life is greater for men than for women?
(e) How many miles of republican soil would
y 011 have to cross to reach the Atlantic Ocean from the westernmost point of Northern Ireland?
11. What?
(a) Is the commonest surname in Scotland.
(b) Is the colour of a 4d. postage stamp.
(c) Is the largest book publisher in the United Kingdom.
(d) Was the native city of Abraham.
(e) EN, ems are supposed to have taken place on June 16, 1904. 12. What ha e the following in common?
(0) Henry King, Godolphin Horne, Charlel Augustus Fortescue, Peter Goole.
(b) Andrew, Benjamin. Charlie, David.
(c) Brunsbuttel, Colon, Eastham, Port Said.
(d) George Eliot, F. W. Lilly'. hite, Karl Marx, Herbert Spencer.
tel Ascension, British Guiana, Caymar Islands, Penang with Province Wellesley,
13. What?
(a) Is the Fourth Estate.
(b) Is the meaning of 'comprehensive.'
(e) Does 'D.S.I.R.' stand for.
(d) Is the highest station on British Railways.
(e) Is the maximum possible break ir snooker.
14. What?
(a) Was the second of the Waverley NoVels (b) Is the most literate country in the world (c) Is the country with the lowest suicide rat( in the world.
(d) Is the origin of the expression 'Farm! Adams.'
(c) Bowler has taken the greatest number o. wickets in his cricket career.
15. A third miscellany :
(a) What is the name of the sea that separate! South Wales from Ireland?
(h) Which is the shorter route—via Suez a Via Panama—from Liverpool to (i Sydney; (ii) Wellington?
(c) How was it that Lord Palmerston, whet Prime Minister, sat in the House of Com mons?
(d) 'His name,' wrote H. G. Wells in A Shot. History of tlw World, 'deserves t prominence in our history second only tc that of Aristotle.' To whom did he refer (e) Where may the following inscription bi seen'? 'Si monumentam requiris circarn Spice
16. Finally, a Christmas miscellany : (a) When was the use of Christmas tree! introduced into England?
.(b) For what. was Christmas Day, 1642 notable?
(c) Where is Christmas Island?
(d) The fourth day of Christmas My true love sent to me Four colly birds . . What are cony birds?
(e) What have sweet eicely and olibanum tc do with Christmas?
(A nswers on page 947)