Answers to Christmas Questions
I. (a) Isosceles. (b) Hamburg. (c) The Stockton and Darlington Railway ran its first passenger train. tall calorie. (e) Harmony.
2. (a) Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. bronze of copper and tin. (b) Cranial refers to the skull. cerebral to the brain. (c) Psychology is the science a the mind. psychiatry. deals w oh mental disorders. 6!) A hydrometer measures the specific gravity of a fluid. a hygrometer measures the humidity of a gas.
i,e) The answer is , which means infinity.
3. (a) Makers of biscuits. ()) All are palindromes,. (c) All are crossed by the Equator. (d) As well as being odd numbers, all are prime numbers. (e) Nicknames of Association Football clubs (West Ham Units.d, Chelsea. 55e-a Bromwich Albion. Everion), 4. (a) 2. ( b) None. tei 65. 104. (e)8---- English, Scots Gaelic, Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Manx, ROMally, Jersey patois. Guernsey patois.
5,• -(a) No: but a King Edward VII stamp is no longer salid. th) Paddington and London Bridg: neady four and three-quarter miles. le) 1:100. (d) 'Cunning.' (e) Prince Charles Edward Stuart.
6. (a) Breslau. (b) Mike Todd (the film .producer). fia The Lord High Chancellor of England. (d) Dorn- ford Yates. (e) The 7. (a) Auguste ('omte. t h) Charlotte Brontë. (c) — HAM Queen Victoria (of Gladstone). (d) G. K. Chesterton.
el Dylan Thomas.
-8. (a) Third part. lb) Alaska. (c) The Great Fire of London. (d) From the head of 1.och Broom to the Kyle of Sutherland (about 26 miles). (e) That of Liverpool.
9. (a) Route of the Preston by-pass. (b) 8. 9. 10. 11 in Tombola I Housey-housey). (c) Rampant in heraldry). (d) Foreign vehicle temporarily imported into the UK. le) Fool's mate (in chess).
10. Oil The ordinary (as opposed to the preference) shares of a company. (b) 26: 36. (e) Book-eolleet- ing: many records were broken at the sale of his library . Id) Yes : India and Cey Ion. Itt) 4.
II. (a) Smith. t b) Pale blue. (e) Her Majesty's Stationery O(lice. (d) Ur of the Chaldees. (e) The action of Joyce's 1.11p.ves.
12. (a) Characters in Hilaire Belloc's Cautionary rerses. lb) Examples of 'Aids towards clearness of
Speech' gixen in the Telephone Directory. It') Ports of entry to ship canals (Kid, Panama, Manchester. Suez). (d) All buried in Highgate Cemetery. (e) The capital of each is Georgetown (or George Town).
13. to) The public press. lb) Comprising much (not 'comprising all). Id Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. (d) Dalnaspidal (Perth- shire). (e) 147.
14. (a) Guy Afannering. lb) Sweden. (e) Re- public of Ireland. Id) Fanny Adams was murdered irld her body was cut into pieces (hence='nothing'). te) Wilfred Rhodes: 4,187.
15 (ii) St. George's Channel. (h) (i) Suez : (ii) Panama. (e) He was an Irish Peer. (d) Roger Bacon. (e) On Wren's grave in St. Paul's Cathedral. ('If you would see his monument, look around you.') I. (a) About the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury. 16) The birth of Sir Isaac Newton. (c) There are two: one in the Indian Ocean, near Java. and one in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, in the Pacific Ocean. (d) Blackbirds. (e) Other names for my rrh and frankincense.