Solution on Jan. 8
I Comprehended. but struck all of a..heap 171
5 Conic to blows at hark luncheons'? (7)
9 Scoh.10.1 %; hen the assessment . DO'1■1
10 Naturally he will appear in The of course (9) It Silent for a change 16) obviously (7) 12 'From all the easy — That A Box otlice draws? (91 I81 close-up (4)
15 Rich totem (anag.) 191 co‘erlets! (10)
(9) first' (Dryden) (5)
20 It's no good in Poona! (5) 7 Six is Achitophel's (7) 22 There's cash to be had in the 8 Quite enough of this house (5) bakery' line Si( 13 Unattached masher 14-6)
have lost their heads (6) (6)
came (5) i No company has nothing on me, Gazelle i9 2 A wife in every port for him, comfort cruel men' (Chestertimi 4 This shows how to do me in 14. In the post I am found (5) 5 Feasts in the dorm? Mind the 18 Twisted vines and ancient at that 6 '01 these the — Achitophel was 24 Daggers found in the earthworks 16 Do my inhabitants agree in me'?
26 'Our steed the leg. the tongue 17 Never a one from the compiler?
27 I ho ing a nose for cash? (5) 28 It keeps the French going (7) 29 To prosper. don't be so much in bed! (71
19 'Po■erty . . makes some — impracticable and others ex-
remely (Johnson) (7)
21 Examples of this by Scottish reviewers were not approved by Byron (7)
22 'And this little pig went to Parso n'! 23 The artist who might Moe used pencil ...? (5) 25 Food for the young (4)
A tirm wire ol A. book taken for OM guinea and 2 second prize ot a book token tor tilteen shillin0s will he awarded to the senders ol the first two correct solutions opened on Ja». 5.,Addre,, +OW ion.: Cruss,surd Nu, 1069, 99 Cower St., Landoll, Wit.