MONEY MARKET. STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY aFrzsnoois. Confidence in the success
of the allied forces opposed to Russia has been further manifested this week in the English Stock Market ; and although a depression of / occurred on Monday on the announcement that the Czar had rejected the propositions of the Emperor Napoleon, the Funds have since rallied, and yesterday Consols reached 91f. Favourable anticipations of the intentions of Austria in the affairs of the East have been entertained, and the public have been steady purchasers. Prices would probably have been higher, but the decline on the Paris Bourse in connexion with the contem- plated French loan has proved a cheek. Nothing certain respecting that financial operation is yet known ; but on Tuesday it was generally believed in Paris that terms had been agreed to with Messrs. Rothschild for the sum of 8,000,0001. in a Three per Cent Stock at 64f. 10c. Accounts from Vienna show increasing distrust in the money-market there, and the exchange at a quotation that ruled during the adverse periods of the Hungarian war. At St. Petersburg, the rate is still falling, and is nearly 6 per cent lower than it was a short ago. At Amsterdam and Hamburg the exchanges are in favour of this country. In Paris, the demand for gold from England is such as will probably absorb for the present our Australian remittances. From a statement just printed of the results of the act of last session to pay off the South Sea and other Stocks, it appears respecting the several Petty Stocks known as Old and New South Sea Annuities, Three per Cents 1751, and Three per Cents 1726,—forming a total of 5,901,9551. 17s. 10d.,— that the amount exchanged for New Stocks, &c., was 1,505,706/. 158. 7d. ; being composed of 115,560/. as. 8d. Three-and-a-half per Cents, 1,388,2461. 118. 11d. Two-and-a-half per Cents, and 52001. Exchequer Bonds : the ba- lance to be paid in cash-2,020,5451. 8s. 7d.-remains to be discharged. The capital Stock of the South Sea Company now paid off is stated to have been 3,662,7841. 8s. 6d. It further appears that 1,129,190/. 4s. 2d. Consols, 433,7961. 13a. 7d. Reduced, and 408,90101. Exchequer Bills, were exchanged for 143,2811. Os. 5d. Three-and-a-half per Cents, 1,523,624/. 4s. 2d. Two- and-a-half per Cents, and 412,1001. Exchequer Bonds. The new securities created are 258,8411. 4.s. ld. Three-and-a-half per Cents, 2,911,8701. 16s. Id. Two-and-a-half per Cents, and 418,3001. Exchequer Bonds. Today the Fantle have been unusually steady, and close at about} im- provement; Consols being 91f for Money, and 91j f for Account. India Stock is 3 better this week ; Exchequer Bills are ls. lower. Bank Stock has not altered. In Foreign Stocks, considerable heaviness has prevailed. The chief de- pression has been in Russian ; and at Berlin and Amsterdam also these se- curities are rapidly declining : the Five per Cents are now below par ; having fallen 6, and the Four-and-a-half per Cents 4. The following are also lower -Austrian, 4; Belgian, and Sardinian, 3; Danish Five, Dutch Two-and-a- half and Four per Cents, 2 ; Danish Three per Cents, Portuguese Four, Buenos Ayres, and Venezuela, 1; Spanish Three per Cents, and Granada Deferred, 1 ; Spanish Deferred, I ; Mexican, I ; Spanish Certificates, k ; Brazilian has improved 1. The Government scheme for the conversion of the Dutch debt is not approved of, and doubts are entertained of its being carried out. The new Stock proposed is to bear 3 per cent, subject at the expiration of three years to annual drawings; a part of the surplus revenue to be appropriated to purchases when below par-a payment made of a little less than 1 per cent to parties accepting the conversion. The whole plan is subject to modifications by the Finance Minister. Railways were dull on Monday, and a depression of 5s. to 15s. occurred in several cases. Much buoyancy afterwards prevailed, and continued up to last evening ; when the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase-Caledonian, 11. 58.- Great Northern, 1/. ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 15s.; Great West- ern, London and North-Western, Midland, and South Wales, 10s. Decrease -Bristol and Exeter, 2/. ; Scottish Central, and Scottish Midland, 11. Fo- reign Shares continue flat, and the following have declined-Paris and Bonen, 1/. ; Luxembourg, Sambre and Meuse, and Western of France, 58.; Paris and Lyons, 2s. 6d. Northern of France have improved 5s. The di- vidends declared at the meetings of the following companies were-York and North Midland, 3 per cent per annum, with surplus of 21441., accepting from Mr. Hudson 51,0001. in the judgment lately obtained for 71,462/. ; Great Western, 4 per cent, and surplus 19,964/. ' • London and North-Western, 5 per cent, surplus 86,031/. ; Bristol and Exeter, 4 per cent, surplus 71121. To- day the English lines are firm, and an improvement has been established of 58. to 108. in several instances. Foreign Shares are weak, and a slight de- pression has occurred.
The English Funds are firm this morning, and Consols have been done at 92; they are now 91i for Money and 91f k for Account. Exchequer Bills, 18 21. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows an increase of 49,7851. In Foreign Stocks there is no alteration, and they are without any appearance of rallying. Railways continue on the ascendant ; the present bargains are these-Aberdeen, 201; Eastern Counties, In; Great Northern, 961 ; Midland, 65 ; North Staffordshire, 1l; ; York, Newcastle, and Ber- wick, 701. 3 per Cent Consols 9151 Danish 3 per Cents 79 81 Ditto for Account 91 I Dutch 24 per Cents 59 60
3 per Cent Reduced 92 Ditto 4 per Cents 90 2 31- per Cents 93 Mexican 3 per Cents 241 6 Long Annuities Peruvian 44 per Cents 66 8 Bank Stock 217 18 Ditto 3 per Cents 46 8 Exchequer Bills 18 21 Portuguese 4 per Cents 36 8 India Stock 235 8 Russian 5 per Cents 98 101 Austrian 5 per Cents 78 83 Ditto 46 per Cents 85 7 Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents 396 406 Belgian 44 per Cents 85 90 Ditto Deferred 18 1 19 Chilian 6 per Cents 100 2 Sardinian 5 per Cents 81 3
Danish 5 per Cents 98 101 Swedish 4 per Cents 85 90
An Account, purstuult to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 18th day of February 1854.
18111711 OEPASTYENT.
.Notes issued £29,513,220 Government Debt £11,016,180 Other Securities 2,984.900 Gold Coin and Bullion 15,513,220 Silver Bullion £29,513,220
Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 3,495,498 2,440,107 12,177,209 086,779 £29,513,220
Government Securities. (In-
cludir gDeadWeightAnnuityl £11,757,701
Other Securities 13,346,375
Notes 7,858,920 Gold and Silver Coin 740,093