The Italdemadal Board" of Oxford University have attempted a coup
d'etat. On Saturday last, after twoeam ' obstructive delay, they put forth-a project of reform of their own, y intended to supersede the Go- vernment and all other plans. The illusory nature of this project is transparent : it proposes to continue the Hebdomadal Board, comprising twenty.four Heads of Houses and two Proctors, with a second Board, comprising part of the first, besides eight Professors and fifteen other members of Convocation • and by arrangements for sitting separately, the preponderance of the old Board is retained to neutralize the new one. To sanction this plan, Convocation was summoned oii _Seaturday, to meet yesterday ; a brevity of notice virtually constituting() assem-
blage a packed meeting. Convocation did meet and although resistance was attempted on several important points, w the Headscarried in some cases by narrow majorities, the scheme as a whole, embodied in the petition to the Queen, which Lord Derby talked about on Thursday in the House of Peers, was carried. A protest, however, was entered against the scheme, and that protest comprises many of the first names of tt4e Uni-