On the 11th February, at Naples, the Lady of Sir George Beaumont, Bart., of a daughter.
On the 15th, at Methley, Yorkshire, the lion. Mrs. Philip Savile, of a son, which survived its birth only a few hours.
On the 17th, in Chesham Place, the Lady of the lion. Richard Cavendish, of a
On the 18th, at Rufford Hall, the Lady Arabella Ilesketh, of a daughter. On the 19th, at Fyne Court, Broomfield, Somerset, the Wife of Andrew Crosse, Esq., of a son.
On the 19th, in Eaton Place, the Lady Agnes Duff, of a daughter.
On the 21st, at Rutland Gate, Lady Edward Fitzalan Howard, of a daughter. On the 21st, at Richings Park, Bucks, Lady Wiltshire, of a daughter. On the 23d, in Whitehall Yard, the Honourable Mrs. Vereker, of a son.
On the 12th January, at the Byculla Church, Bombay, Frederick Talbot Come- wall, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., son of Herbert Cornewall, Esq., of Delbury Hall, Shropshire, to Eliza Susan Annabelle, eldest daughter of Major Bidwell Edwardes, K.H., late of H.M.'e Third Light Dragoons.
On the 16th February, at St. Andrew's, Plymouth, Major Robert Murray Banner, Ninety-third Highlanders, to Anne, second daughter ofJoseph Ferguson, Esq., M.P. for Carlisle.
On the 18th, at Paris, Charles Edouard Temblaire, Comte de Belloquet, In- specteur-General an Ministre de l'Interieur, Chevalier de Legion d'Honneur, to Bride, daughter of the late Rev. IL Williams, Prebendary of Lincoln, and Rector of Great Houghton, Northamptonshire.
On the 20th, at South Stoneham, Hampshire, the Rev. Charles J. Dickinson, Rector of Narraghmore, Dublin, eldest son of the late Right Hon. and Most Rev. Charles Dickinson, D.D., Bishop of Meath, to Agnes Augusta, second daughter of Henry Dumbleton, Esq., of Thornhill Park, near Southampton. On the 21st, at St. Mark's, Kennington, Lieutenant-General Dyson, of Lower Berkeley Street, to Augusta, only daughter of Captain Charles Cooley Craven, late Seventy-second Highlanders, of Richardstown, county of Louth.
On the 23d, at Biding, Kent, the Hon. Edward Vesey Bligh, second son of the late Earl of Darnley, to Lady Isabel Mary Francis NeviR, youngest daughter of the Earl of Abergavenny. Lately, at St. Mary's, Southampton, the Hon. and Rev. Arthur Sugden, Rector of Newdigate, Surrey, to Annie Jane, second daughter of the Rev. George Elton.
On the 19th October, near Sydney. George Henry Minto Alexander, Esq. Civil Service, Bengal, only son of the late Major-General James Alexander, /LE.I.C., service.
On the 1st November, at Sydney, Sir James Everard Home, Bart., C.B., Captain of H.M.S. Calliope, and senior officer on that station.
- On the 8th January, at Funchal, Madeira, Sir Thomas-Edward Pilkington, Bart., of Chevet Park, Yorkshire; in his 25th year. On the 1st February, at Tonley, Lieutenant-General Patrick Byers, of Tonley, Colonel of the Thirty-third ligament Bengal Native Infantry ; in has 70th year. On the 2d, suddenly, at Tangier, while on leave from Gibraltar, Charles Dudley Oliver, Captain Thirtieth Regiment, son of the late Admiral Robert Dudley Oliver.
On the 13th, in Pembroke Place, Dublin, Lord Netterville. On the 16th, at Torquay, Major D. J. Macleod, Scots Greys, son of the late Gene- ral Sir John Macleod, K.C.B.
On the 17th, at Douglas, Isle of Man, John Martin, the historical painter, K.L., of Lindsey House, Chelsea; in his 65th year. On the 17th, in the Minster Yard, York, the Rev. William Henry Dixon, M.A., F.S.A., Rector of Etton, Vicar of Bishopthorpe, Canon Residentiary of York, and Domestic Chaplain to the Archbishop of York ; in his 70th year. On the 18th, at Brabourne, Kent, Mary, relict of the Rev. Abraham Purshouse, for forty-five years Vicar of Brabourna and Monks Horton, and also Rector of Frinsted, in the same county ; in her 91st year. On the 21st, at Lower Grove House, Itoehampton, Surrey, Sir John Gerard, Bad., of New Hall, Lancashire; in his 50th year. On the 21st, at Plymouth, Captain Tozer, R.N. ; in his 65th year. On the 28d, in London, the Rev. William Mansfield, son of the Right lion. Sir James Mansfield, and Rector of Milton Bryant, Beds, and Colley-Weston, North- amptonshire; in his 72d year.