Tuesday, February 21.
PARTNERSHIPS Dissotyria-Bowen and Bloch, Portland, ship-agents-Spencer and Sargent, Birmingham, attornies -Elliott and Co. South Shields, chemists- Wright and Capes, Epworth, Lincolnshire, chemists-Harrison and Co. Birming- ham, railway-carriers-Morris and Co. Liverpool, grocers-Butt and Attwater, Ryde, linen-drapers-Thompson and Vernon, Liverpool, milliners- Mellowdew and Co. Oldham, cotton-spinners-Dalton and Ellis, Sheffield, hosiers -Lavell and Gravatt, St. Paul's Churchyard, tavern-keepers-Rowley and Cook, Naylor's Yard, Silver Street, coach-makers ; as far as regards H. A. Cook-Swiuey and Labors, Elder Street, Norton Folgate, dyers-W. and G. Nuthall, Leather Lane, greengrocers- 0. and J. Stead, Ripon, brewers-J. and G. France, Gornersall, Yorkshire, dyers,- Moon and Son, Sevenoaks, butchers-Moorhouse and Co. Great Tower Street, coffee- merchants ; as far as regards H. Moorhouse -Bowden and Co. Sheffield, iron- founders-Burchell and Parson, Parliament Street, attornies--Walter and Son, Elm Terrace, Old Brampton, auctioneers-Rawlins and Watson, St. Helen's, chemists.
BANKRCPTCY ANNULLED.-WALTER SCA/431E1.1., Fulham, Shoe-maker.
BANKRITPTS.-DAVID Aram; RAMSAY, Kensington Park Terrace, builder, to sur- render March 7, April 13: solicitors, Robinson and Baynes, Orchard Street, Port- man Square; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street- Crisman CLARKE, Nor- wich, maltster, March 1, April 12: solicitors, Jay, Bucklersbury ; Jay and Pilgrim, Norwich ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-FREDERICK Scrumatoaa ROBINSON, Bloomsbury Square, patent-medicine-manufacturer, March 1, April 12: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. 01(1 Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-EDWARD BANNS GREEN, Bilston, ironmonger, March 7, SO : solicitors, Smith, Wolverhampton ; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham; official as- signee, Christie, Birmingham-AuonsTrs Rizzi, Leeds, looking-glass-manufacturer, March 6, April 4: solicitors, Fraser, Furnival's Inn ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-DossoN 1JrasraaT' Sheffield, draper, March 4, 25: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; Richardson and Gaunt, Leeds; official assignee. Brewin, Sheffield-Do:germ Wattrantia, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, draper, March 9, 30: solicitor, Neild, Manchester; official assignee, Heineman, Manchester --nieces Ewes, Manchester, ironmonger,- March% . April 3: solicitors, Higson and Robin- son, Manchester ; official assignee, Frazer, Manchester-STEPHEN CARLTON, Dar- lington, coach-manufacturer, Feb. 27, March 31 : solicitors, Hartley, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury ; Brignal, Durham ; official assignee, Wakley, Newcastle-upon- Tyne.
DITTOILVDS.-March 14, Sandford, Paternoster Row, stationer-March 15, Parkes, Upper Ebury Street, Pimlico, corn-ehandler-March 15, Capita, Duke's Place, Ald- gate, fruit-merchant-March 14, Young, New Cut, victualler-March 14, Steel, Fen- church Street, tailor-March 15, Sharman, Spalding, upholsterer-March 15, J. and J. F. King, Wells Row, Islington, builders-March 15, White, Aylesbury, tailor- March 15, Mundy, Palace Row, New Road, cow-keeper-March 16, Bowell, Man- chester, publican-March 16, Taylor, Waterfoot, Lancashire, coal-dealer-March 15, Manzavino, Manchester, merchant-March 15, Mines, Rochdale, wool.stapler- March 15, Wheeler, Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire, miller-March 15, Tomkieson, Liverpool, atone-mason-March 15, Crossley, Noble Street, silk-warehouseman.
CERTIFICATES.-To be granted, wmJess cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-March 16, Mellor, Clare, Suffolk, innkeeper-March 13, Delaney, Mark Lane, wine-merchant-March 15, Taylor, Queen's Road, Balaton, victualler-March 16, Rothwell, Southport, grocer-March 30, Fella, Hulme, Lancashire, builder- March 14, Wilkinson, Openshaw, Lancashire, builder-March 17, Cameo, Quonidoo, Leicestershire, miller-March 17, Rose, Nottingham, lace-cap-manufacturer-March 23, Chater, Wolverhampton, chemist.
SCOTCH SEOVESTRATIONS.-Graham, Leitelstown, solicitor, March 6-M'Cowan, Glasgow, cotton-mill-furnisher, Feb. 28.
Friday, February 24.
PARTNERSHIPS D/SSOLVED.-LeYoi and Samson, Chiswell Street, eigar.manufac- turers-Jackson and Co. Grantham, coach-builders; as far as regards F. Beane- Fry and Son, SI. John's Wood, timber-merchants-Chessman the elder and Chess- man, Brighton, coal-merchants-klawksbaw and Co. Leeds, proprietors of the Main Colliery Works-Kirby and Co. Radcliffe, Lancashire, cloth-makers-Harrap and Son, bewsbury, Yorkshire, blanket-manufacturers-Hanipson and Broadhurst, Stoke-neon-Trent, manufacturers of earthenware-Gibson and Robson, West Har- tlepool, coal-owuers-Trueman and Co. Regent Street-J. F. and S. Milne, Man- chester, calico-manufacturers-Marcus and Cohen, Well Street, Wellclose Square, "clothiers-Nash and Metzner, Goldsmith Street, woollen-agents-Fry and Tennent, Rio de Janeiro-Jones and Co. Wrexham, iron-founders-Parrish and Quayle, Hulme, joiners-Thompson and Fletcher, Ashton-under-Lyne, brass-founders-Law and Thompson, Oldham, cotton-spinners-G. and J. Bishop, Chesham, farmers- Johnson and Hurst, Salford, last-makers-Waller and Kershaw, Bradford, York- shire, commission-weavers-Toole and Berry, Oldham, iron-founders-Ingham and Co. Wardle, cotton-spinners; as far as regards W. Cuuliffe-Wilding and Jackson, Liverpool, shirt-makers.
• Bartiraurrs-Eavisca COHAN and Jamas Vicar jun. Strand, tailors, to surrender March 9, April lit: solicitor, Clarke, Bedford Row ; official assignee, Johnson, "Basinghall Street-Maar and JOHN READ BROWNE, Middle Row South, Knights- bridge, window-glass-cutters, March 7, April 11: solicitor, Asprev, Bedford Row ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-Wu-tame and FILMED KIDSTON, North Street, Sidney Street, Mile End, medical-fitters, March 9, April 11 : solicitor, Cat- tarns, Mark Lane ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Wmtaan MILES, King's Lynn, ship-owner, March 4, April 7 solicitor, Wilkie, Furnival's Inn ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-WILLIAM STRAFORD VAILE, East Greenwich, victualler, March 15, April 10: solicitors, Corners, Tooley Street ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-JAMES KINosTmr, Reading, draper, March 15, April 10: solicitors, Ashurst and Son, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Graham, Cole- man Street-Jonas MATTHEWS BARLEY, Wheaton Ashton, Staffordshire, beer-seller, March 6, 27: solicitors, Slayney. Newcastle-under-Lyme; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham-JOHN DUCKER, Bilston, rail- way-contractor, March 6, 27: solicitor, East, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whit- more, Birmingham-Jamas Boron, Kidderminster, carpet-manufacturer, March 8, April 4: solicitors, Brinton, Kidderminster ; Reece, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-Tampa; Bissomererm, Worcester, botcher, March 11, 27: solicitors, Knipe, Worcester; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-SAMUEL. RATCLIFFE, Stanningley, Yorkshire, whitesmith, March 7, April 4: solicitor, Naylor, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds. DIVIDENDS.-March 18, Moble, Charles Street, St. George's East. stay-manufac- turer-March 18, Brockwell, Old Broad Street, merchant-March 17, Benning, Fleet Street, bookseller-March 20, Statham, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, tai- lor-March 20, Stable, Fenchurch Street, wine-merchant-March 20, Baxter, Wis- beach St. Peter, Cambridgeshire, currier-March 20, Elliston, Cambridge, brewer. CERTIFICATES.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of ntiffiKe.—Msaieh 21, Harris, Cranmer Place, Waterloo Baud, Ineseriii„re 18, J. and W. Sayer, High Street, Portland Town, calmehliarch. /7, . and • Davis East Smithfield, clothiers-March 17, Rapp, Cranbourne Street, watch-maker-March
20, Anderson, Wright'e Lane, Kensington, vicinallers aa.. .!,
DECLARATIONS pr DIVIDENDS.- Tbomaei, ,Gatheribe Striet, i Streud, publisher ; second div. of ld.'any Wednesday; Whitmore,'Basinghall Stieet-Brooks, Boston Old Town, baker ; second div. of 24d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Peres, Scararo' Street, Goodman's Fields, tailor ; brat div. of 2s. lad. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, liasinghall Street-Dexter, Retain, eamn-dealer ; first div. of 55. any Wednesday ; Waitmore, Basinghall Street-White, Waterloo Road, straw-bonnet-dealer; first div. of Is. 30. any Monday ; Cannan, Aldermanbury-_ Dickeson, Horsemonger Lane, victualler : 'first div. of 4s."95. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, Moorgate Street-Brookes, Banbury, printer ; first div. of lls. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Moors gate Street-Knight senior, Walbam Green, butcher; first div. of Is. 40. on the separate estate, Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, Moor- gate Street-Hopkins, Star Corner, Bermondsey, linen-draper ; first div. of 28, NVednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, Moorgate Streer-Reid, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, brewer; first div. of ls. on new proofs, and second div. of 1 3-10d. on all proofs, any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION S.-Murdoch,, Stirling, baker, March 8-Ross, Inverness, ironmonger, March 8-Mercer, Stow, woollen-manufacturer, March 4-Gardner, Glasgow, brick-maker, March 9-Watt, Bridge of Allan, hotel-keeper, March 6.