Lord John Russell's Bill to amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales was circulated on Thursday. It describes in legal phrase the proposals announced in clearer language by the promoter himself on asking leave to introduce it. There is no condition as to the proportion of votes which the third candidate must have so as to constitute him the representative of the minority. Upon this point some doubt existed in con- sequence of Lord John having made use of the words "two-fifths" when speaking of this part of his measure. The three candidates who stand the highest on the poll will be the Members, without raising the " minority " point at all, or using the term. The bill contains sixty-seven clauses ; with disfranchising and enfranchising schedules, directions to overseers, and the like.
Sir Fitzroy Kelly's Bill to prevent Bribery, Corruption, Intimidation, and undue Influence at elections, contains eighty-one clauses. There is also a schedule containing the oaths, and the declaration to be made by voters when handing in their voting-papers to the Justices of the Peace. The duties of the Election-officer are defined, and it is a main feature that the oath of purity—a long and stringent one—should be taken by candidates whether there be opposition or not. Justices or clergymen authorized to receive the Voting-papers, and to sign the declaration of free will and honesty of purpose on the part of the voters, must not avail themselves of their position to can- vass, otherwise they may be prosecuted for misdemeanour. Interlopers act- ing as agents may be brought to account through the instrumentality of the agent's oath. All legitimate expenses are to be paid by the Election-officer from deposits made by the candidates; and illegitimate business is to be counteracted by the machinery indicated.
Mr. John Phillimore's Bill for the appointment of Public Prosecutors au- thorizes the Lord Chancellor to nominate to that office one or more barristers of ten years' standing to each district ; with salaries not exceeding 16001. Amongst the duties of these officers will be the important one of deciding, upon a perusal of the depositions taken before the committing Magistrates, whether the case is one that should go to trial, or whether the accused should be set at liberty. In case of need, the public prosecutor may have additional assistance. Assistant Public Prosecutors, to be banisters of five years' standing, are to be appointed for Quarter-Sessions ; and attornies of seven years' standing are eligible to be appointed District Agents for getting up evidence for the prosecution. Witnesses for the prisoner may be compelled to attend, and their costs will be allowed should the Judge certify.
Mr. Baines's Pauper Settlement Bill prohibits the compulsory removal of poor persons from one parish to another on the ground of settlement ; and provides that the expense of maintaining and relieving the poor shall be by a union rate. The transition, however, from a parochial to a union rating, shall be gradual—" until the expiration of the ninth year," when the union rating shall take effect.
The Charity gommissioners have issued their first Report. It comes down to the last day of December, at which time the Commissioners had only been two months in office. Part of the machinery by which operations are to be carried on was devised, experience being trusted to for perfecting the de- tails. It appears from what is set down, that applications from any person for information touching particular charities will meet with attention ; a task of no ordinary labour, seeing that the charities amount to 40,000 in number. Advice, assistance, and permissive power, will be afforded to Boards engaged in administering charities. At the close of December, 340 applica- tions for advice or assistance had reached the Commissioners.
The bill for throwing open the Coasting Trade to foreign ships extends to passengers as well as goods; and provides that the foreign ship shall pay no higher dues at any port than the British. The Queen's power to exercise a "retaliatory " policy is reserved, as in the case of foreign ships employed in the over-sea trade.
The Return moved for by:Sir John Shelley, of the expense connected with the issue of Commissions to inquire into election practices in the Boroughs whose writs were suspended, shows a total of 13,5491. Os. 8d. The items comprise Commissioners remuneration (30241.) ; secretaries' remuneration (749/. 148.) ; short-hand writer's charges (22821. 128. ld.) ; expenses of wit- nesses (1102/. Os. ad.) • clerks and other expenses (23021. 8s.); paper and printing (40881. es. 4d.) Barnstaple's share is 1954/. ; Cambridge's, 19811. ; Canterbury's 1981/. ; Kingston-upon-Hull's, 51051. ; Malden's, 1150/. ; Tynemoutles, 13661.
A Return moved for by Mr. Seymour affords numerous particulars con- nected with the works of art completed and in course of completion for the decoration of the New Housed of Parliament. Eleven of the eighteen metal statues ordered for the House of Lords remain to be cast. The Upper Wait- ing-Hall has yet to be supplied with frescoes in illustration of Scott and ByronSt. Stephen's Hall has to receive five more statues ; the Prince's C'hamb'er receives a group which is in course of-preparation at Rome, and numerous bas-reliefs representing historical incidents. For other portions of the building similar details are given. As to expense-29,660(. has been paid during the twelve years that the Commission has been acting ; and it as estimated that 23,6751. more will be required to defray the cost of what remains to be done.
From a Return moved for by Captain Scobell it appears, that Sir Tames Graham and Sir Francis Baring are the only two Commoners who have held
the office of First Lords of the Admiralty during the past thirty years. Under the Derby Ministry, the entire Beard consisted-of naval °extra: UM present Board consists of two civilians and four naval officers.
The Trade and Navigation accounts completed their yearly course on the 5th of January, and the results in their complete shape afford the means of comparison between the year 1853-'4 and its two immediate predecessors. The exports for the twelve months are of the declared value of 87,357,3061. ; for 1852-'3, the amount wars71,375,0661. ; for 1851-'2, 68,531,6011. Look- ing over the details of the two past years, there is scarcely an item which does not present an increase, and in most cases the increase is very consider- able. There is an increase of nearly 3,000,0001. on the exports of cotton in its various manufactured shapes; haberdashery and millinery show an ex. cess of 2,000,000/. ; hardwares and cutleiy, of 1,000,0001. ; upon iron and steel, 4,000,0001. ; upon woollens, upwards of 1,000,0001. In the imports, the increased quantities of bread-stuffs and other descriptions of food is con- spicuous. The neat income from Customs-duties was 22,419,3081. for the past year ; 22,036,297/. for 1852-'3; and 22,104,1571. for 1851-'2. The shipping details are also satisfactory, judging from the increase exhibited in the tonnage.