Sin,—In common with most readers of the Spectator, I looked) forward with much interest to the perusal of the articles which' were sure to appear on the Voysey judgment. Those articles have given me, and I doubt not many other clergymen like myself, much food for reflection. But at present I cannot share- the opinion which they express concerning the untenable position of the Broad-Church party in the English Church.
Deeply as I regret the unfortunate wording of the judgment. (which imports phrases into the Thirty-Nine Articles which do• not occur in them), I still cannot believe that Mr. Voysey would. have been condemned on the subject of the Atonement if he had confined himself to protesting against the " exaggerated and un- reasonable" views of certain divines on the sacrifice of Christ.. But he absolutely denies an atonement in any sense, and thus cuts. the ground from under his feet which might fairly be taken by Dean. Stanley, Mr. Llewellyn Davies, or Mr. Maurice. If any of these- eminent men, or any other clergymen who share their opinions„ but who do not agree with Mr. Voysey's "rationalistic theism," had been condemned for denying that Christ bore the punishment of our sins, then I should have no doubt but that the Broad- Church position was untenable in the Church of England. It. would be desirable that that question should be fairly tried, when the judgment would be narrowed to a single, though most import-- ant, issue. Perhaps the Church Association will fix upon some- eminent Broad-Church divine, and bring him before the Privy Council, and thus finally settle the question. Meantime, as far as• the present judgment is concerned, I think we must rest satisfied with the very important qualifying clauses, which, in my opinion,. still make it possible for Broad Churchmen to retain their position. But I am anxious to obtain fresh light on the subject. If you. will kindly give this letter a place in your columns, perhaps. some of your correspondents will be able to bring before me some other points in the judgment in support of your view, which have hitherto escaped my notice.—I am, Sir, &c., B. li. W.